
Oct 23, 2011 04:23

Title:  Fire
Author: underapaperm00n
Rating: R
Pairing: Alex/Zack, Zack/Jack
Summary: Alex scoffs, watching the words disappear in the flames. Did he ever really love him? Alex doesn’t think so.
Warning: character death, sadness, cheating, cussing
Disclaimer: I don't own and i promise this didn't happen. this is all fiction.
A/N: Uh idk man i get random ideas and this one was short so i wrote this as a break form the smut that was requested here

Have you ever just sat and watched fire burn? Everything it touches curls in on itself and seizes to exist. The orange-yellow flames reach up, trying to get away, only to be hit with the wind and forced back down.

Wanna know the best part about fire? It destroys everything. Nothing survives it terrible, burning, beautiful flames.

At least that’s what Alex thinks as he throws the notes, one by one, into the heat, watching them shrivel up and disappear.

Sometimes he stops to read them. That’s when the tears fall.

Dear Alex,
It’s lonely here without you. I miss you. I know you’re off in the army, fighting and being strong and protecting our country. It sucks without you though. Our daughter came yesterday. She’s beautiful. You’d love her. She’s just like you, wild, energetic, passionate, perfect. Just perfect. Only 27 days left, did you know that? 27 days and I get to hold you and love you again. And then they’ll pay for your college and you can provide for us and support us and be mainly and cute and sexy all at once. Oh, Jack and Rian say hi. They miss you, too. But not as much as me. I bet you’re busy, so I’ll end this now. Remember, 27 days.
I love you.

Alex scoffs, watching the words disappear in the flames. Did he ever really love him? Alex doesn’t think so. He thought Alex was a big idiot. That’s what hurt the most, Zack didn't even mildly worry about Alex finding out.

He told him he loved him, that he missed him, that he couldn’t wait until he got home. Lies; that’s all they were. He had been sleeping with Jack the entire time. Jack, his best fucking friend since eighth grade. Well, his now ex-best friend.

Alex had found out when he came home a week early. He had broken his hand and gotten discharged. He didn’t tell Zack, had wanted to surprise him. What a surprise it was when he came home to the two people he counted on most fucking.

Who does that? Who leads someone who’s half way across the world risking their lives on, only to secretly be fucking their best friend?

Horrible people, that’s who. Horrible, rotten bastards who care about nothing but their cock.

Alex wouldn’t even care if Zack would have just told him. He would have understood completely that Zack was lonely and his hand just wasn’t cutting it. But no, he chose to lie and cheat and be a horrible bastard.

Alex pokes the fire with a stick. The cold air is slapping around him, pushing in on his bubble of warmth the fire provided. The ashes rain down on him, but he doesn’t care.

He throws the letters in, watches the words burn away. He stops when he comes to the picture Zack had sent. It was him and their daughter. Tears slip down Alex’s cheeks involuntarily as he thinks of his poor, sweet little Isabella.

The tears come harder when he realizes she never knew him; she probably thinks Jack is her other dad.

His hand shakes as he tosses the picture in, watching their smiling faces are overtook with flames.

He tosses the last letter in, fumbling with his fingers. He takes a deep breath and slides the little metal band off of his finger. Tears blur his vision as he reads the inside ‘Stay strong, my dear, for you will forever be in my heart.’

He throws the ring into the fire with such force it bounces off the ground. He sits on the wet grass beside the bonfire he started, crying as the band turns white hot. The fire can’t destroy it right away.

Eventually, the ring looses shape and blends with the red coals at the bottom. The fire fades, allowing the cold fall air to make its attack. Alex goes numb, physically and emotionally.

He stays watching the fire until it goes out completely and all that’s left is the black circle on the ground.

He sighs and stands up, “Goodbye,” He whispers. His voice is raw and broken from crying.

He doesn’t know where to go, doesn’t know what to do. Zack was his life, his everything. What the fuck do I do now? He asks himself.

He knows the answer. He knew from the second he walked in the front door and heard the moaning. He’d suppressed it until now, but it’s all he can focus on now. He has to do it.

He shoves his hands in his jacket pockets and walks into the city. He looks around, up at the tops of the buildings. He spots the tallest one and walks for it.

When he reaches it, he’s glad to find it’s some kind of public access building. He doesn’t really pay attention; all he cares about is that he can go up to the top without too much hassle.

The view is gorgeous. The wind is ten times worse, ruining his hair and whipping through his clothes.

He pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and dials the all too familiar number. “Alex, oh god Alex where are you we were worried sick!” Zack’s distress means nothing to Alex anymore. “We? As in Jack? If he’s there, put me on speaker.” There’s fumbling; Zack putting it on speaker.

“Alex, what are you doing where are you? We can talk this through!” Jack says.

Alex laughs, “I’m going to fly. I can do it, I know I can. And if I can’t, I’ll be happier. We can’t talk this through, you aren’t one for talking, seeing as how you fucked my husband while I was fighting for the damned country.” Alex’s anger is spiking.

He can hear the tears in Zack’s voice, “Alex, please don’t do anything to yourself. Please, I’m sorry I know I deserve hell for doing it to you but you have to underst-“

Alex yells, cutting Zack off, “I don’t want your apologies or your perspective. You were cheating on me with my best friend. So, if you’ll excuse me I’m going to fly. Fuck you.”

Alex takes the ledge at a run, soaring through the air. He can still hear his name being yelled through his phone. He lets it go and it soars upwards, or rather it can’t keep up with him.

He screams joyously. It’s fun, so much more fun than anything else he’s ever done has been. “I can fly,” He shouts, it makes him feel happier, thinking that he can fly, that he’ll survive this fall.

He knows he won’t, that was kind of the point of jumping. The wind rips through his hair and his clothes, which are whipping above him.

He cries out in excitement as he nears the ground.

And then there was nothing.

pairing: alex gaskarth/zack merrick, pairing: jack barakat/zack merrick, rating: r, standalone

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