Blargh I am dead.

Apr 20, 2008 14:32

So here's what's up.
1. King Lear dies
2. His daugthers dies
3. Everyone dies

Also, West Civ paper is pretty cool but Ben is editting my paper and basically said it sucks. :( Why can't I be smart?

What am I going to do with my life? Sometimes I think I really don't have a future. At least Ben has a dream career/job. I on the other hand, don't know what I want to do with myself. Maybe I'll just be a housemom? I don't know. I really wish I could marry someone who has money but that's just dumb. It's an unrealistic dream because I could never marry someone who only wants to buy his love and not earn it.

Hmmm....Brings me to the question whether love is worth being poor. I don't know. I've been comfortable my entire life. I can't imagine being anything more or less then what I am now. I like my parent's income and sometimes I find myself abusing it but I try not to. I don't know. Money is nice and all but does it really buy happiness? Well, in a sense it does. Money gets you places you'd never think about going before (coughromecougheuropecough). It's nice to have money.

This will be a problem if I marry someone who won't be making enough money for anything but paying bills off and basic life essentials. I want to have a job but at the same time don't, cause I know I'm just not cut out for the blue or white collared jobs.

College is a waste......

well...maybe not.

you know what. ignore what i just wrote. I'm tired of thinking. I will never make money like my dad nor any of my uncles. And with the way things are looking now, hell, I'll never just end up with money. The only way I'd ever get money is if my parents died. And they are worth more than the most money in the world possible.

Hmm...I'm starting to think about things I shouldn't be thinking about recently. It's occured to me in my dreams and in my wandering thoughts. What's going to happen between us in the next few years? I have two paths, one of death and rebirth, the other a path of certain birth and possibly death.

Shit. I hate this sometimes.

Better not tell the parentals!!! Jk Lol.....

or not.

Oh PS and BTW. I wish I lived in the Lord of the Rings universe sometimes. Anytime I listen to Arwen and Aragorn's theme I just wish that was me.
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