Apr 15, 2008 16:15
oh my gosh. I haven't been on this site for over a freaking year now. Wooooooow. I'm kinda surprised!
Anywho, here are some updates:
1. End of last semester I changed from Fall to Spring Rome semester so I could manage some money and get my shit together. That and I wanted Ben and I to actually have real relationship (none of this long distance crap that everyone seems to be doing).
2. Chris and Liz were still dating. Good for them. But bad in the future because they broke it off last september before they hit their one year marker. I hope all goes well for them.
3. Cate and Ed are dating. Well, for almost a year but they broke it off this past feb/march.
4. So I got my first job working at GameStop. It was pretty interesting, kinda boring at times, but I loved my co-workers (minus my boss at the time). Yeah, Does everyone agree that 5.15 an hour sucks balls along side a horrible working schedule that your boss doesn't give a shit about? Well, I can't complain cause I made enough money to BUY MYSELF A WII! HELL YEAH!
6. Summer was hard without seeing Ben. :(. Though it made my summer when he was able to visit me for a week during July. I was so thrilled to see him. We hung out and everything else.
7. Summer ended with Ben coming down to Houston a bit earlier to hang out with me. But then left for orientation. I moved into O'Connell Hall in room 209 and it was awesome. I had my own effing room for once and was damn proud of my hall. The showers were icky but other then that everything was pretty sweet.
8. School sucks and classes are hard this semester but I managed to make dean's list and impress my parents and even myself. Thanks to Ben, I think I may actually enjoy learning about languages.
9. Ben and I celebrated our 6 month at Sambuca = second best meal of my life thus far.
10. Ben and I are actually getting better accquainted with each other. Yay! And btw, we made it to a whole year! yay.
11. So there was a lot of shit going down between the Hand and Vickie. She's now not my friend and considered a Bitch by many for being the way she is. Wiebold was mad because I turned him down and then he and vickie and everyone who was a fall romer decided to make fun of me. I got people like lee nogan and nick mauyex (whatever that kid's name is) were actually bad mouthing me and they don't even know me! What the hell? I don't know. But I'm no longer friends with any of those people and frankly I'm glad I'm not. They weren't real friends anyway and weren't deserving of my time. So Vicki and Weibold can suck it. Or each other since they are both equally evil people.
12. Spring Rome is cool. Sometimes I don't want to be here but I do like it. It's hard keeping up good grades here and keeping money. Ben and I have gotten to that part in our relationship in which we are discovering we aren't perfect people but we'll manage through all of this.
13. I'm rooming with Emily Grewe next year in my first first apartment. I hope it goes well.
14. Liz and Chris ..btw...awkward. He doesn't want to date her again and she wants to date him. It's going to be tough when he finally tells her no.
15. Uhm.....i ..don't know?
16. Also cocks.