Update on pervious Rant antics. AKA Attack of the byatch

Apr 23, 2011 13:35


I am so fucking done with this person.

So to update I went out last night with one of my friends (whom I have known for years and has been there whenever I need it, we just don't get the chance to see each other always etc.) and I had a blast.... she totally reassured me that this girl is a complete 2 faced bitch and that I should start dislodging myself from her.

And that is exactly what I am going to do... today's conversation with the girl in question totally confirmed it.

So here is how it went...
Turns out she texted me earlier today (i missed it) and it said something along the lines of "I am sorry for my "pre-period" bitchiness yesterday I hope your not mad...blah blah blah"
1. She is blaming it on her period.... that pissed me off even more... it makes the whole apology not even sincere anymore. Do you guys get that feeling as well or am I just being mean?
2. "I hope your not mad" Well no duh I was pissed...

I then text(ed) her this
"Honestly I was pissed. Still kinda am.. do you want to go to the art festival today? Oh but you probably already have plans so uknow yeah..."
I figured extending the olive branch would be good you know... I thought well... she probably will say she has plans (with the other friend who are probabaly talk shit right now just saying) but figured it might cool the air....idek

She texts back 'Well ____ just called me so yeah... I just wanted to make sure you weren't mad"
So the only reason u texted me was to make sure I wasn't pissed off... when u knew u did stuff that pissed me off.. idek what the hell to make of this...

But wait it gets worse...

I forget what i texted her but she then texted me this...

" I think this is the same thing that happened to ___ and I. We hung out so much that everything the other person did just pissed us off..."

Please tell me all of you see the hint she is dropping here...
I seriously read this as 'Well lets not hang out as much cause everything u do pisses me off.."
I understand what she is saying and I agree so I texted her
"ok I get the hint lol"

and she has the balls to text back
" There was no hint there...I was just saying. No hint at all."

WTF IS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you being fucking sarcastic with me right now you goddamn bitch! I am going to cut you!!!

Oh we are leaving I will be back


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