Skins 4x06 Awards *spoilers*

Mar 09, 2010 01:53

Best Female Performance:
Lily Loveless
Kathryn Prescott
Georgia Henshaw

Well I suppose this one will have to go to Georgia, seeing as the other two didn't have all that much time in comparison. I quite like Henshaw's face, she's a total cutie, though the pink strands make her look like a twelve year old. Which is fine because Ollie looks like a fifteen year old. But the guy who plays Liam looks about twenty-five, and pedophilia is never a good thing, not even in skins. In terms of Lara as a character, I found her to be quite weak. She seems completely subdued, like having her baby has just killed this energy she used to have in her, and now she just kind of walks around like a zombie, dealing with boring people in this boring life. No? Just me? I think the actress does a bang up job trying to bring in some light into the character, she's quite witty at times. But alas not interesting enough for me to care about.

Best Male Performance: 
Luke Pasqualino
Jack O'Connell
Ollie Barberi
Merveille Lukeba

As always, Ollie grabs the screen in his episode, as I should very well hope that he does, seeing as he doesn't have many important scenes in other characters' plotlines. What I like most about his portrayal is how less introductory it is. Maybe it's because I already know a lot about asperger's that I find I don't need to have it more Intro! shoved in my face, but this episode really just dove right into JJ's life, assuming you knew him already. I do like that JJ's come more to terms with himself, and Ollie actually brings this genuine suave side to JJ that I quite like.

Best Smexy Moment:
JJ/Lara Two Day Romp Fest
Cook in the shower

JJ/Lara was actually super sweet. Like actually super sweet. I was kind of saying 'awww' the entire time.
But for a smexy moment, it goes to Cook. All smexy moments go to Cook. All the time.

Best New Character:
Lara Lloyd
Edward Jones

Lara, as stated before, is a bit too bland to be named best new character. Honestly, near the end there, I didn't really think they would end up together, and I thought it'd be okay. He could move on, she could have Liam and everyone would be happy. But they did. And that's sweet. But I wasn't exactly rooting for it and wouldn't have been heartbroken if it hadn't ended so.
Edward Jones, JJ's mostly absent father, admittedly grew on me throughout the episode, as I'm sure was the point. There's nothing like a parent who's told of what they're doing wrong and really tries to step it up.
But this award will have to go to Liam. To the untrained eye, he's just a stupid jock who's all talk and no action but in reality he can walk the walk. He could have taken JJ to school, he could have really put a number on him, I'm beyond certain. But he chooses not to, he's going to set up a good example for his kid, he's going to be the bigger guy and let Lara go. I think it's great, self-effacing and noble. Liam, I wouldn't mind seeing more of your generous albeit grudgingly so self.

Most Unnecessary Scene:
JJ's song

I know a lot of people liked this. But I didn't find it all that epic. I don't know why. It was just too cliche, and frankly, much too long. It didn't sound like Ollie, the lip-synching was off, and the song I didn't find all that amusing or fitting to their relationship. Sorry skins. What should have been a heartwarming scene was a swing and miss for me.

Best Entrance:

Emily's entrance in this episode was just plain heartbreaking. In fact her entrances in the past three episodes have all been heartbreaking. Basically Emily hasn't won a Best Entrance award since her episode, in which she enters topless. Emily should ditch the Girl-Whose-Name-I've-Already-Forgotten from the bar and just take off her top and let Naomi take care of the rest. There. I said it.
And so the award will go to Cook, high as a kite, bursting out of a bag and inciting JJ to faint. Oh Cookie <3

Best Line:
"My balls are hairy! My cock's hairy, too! What do you think of that?" -JJ to Thomas
"She even makes mucus look good." -JJ to Thomas
"This is the ladies'" -Lara to JJ
"Liam doesn't flirt with old ladies" -Lara to JJ
"Let's have a cup of tea and a nice slut. Chat. A nice chh...aaaa...oh my god." -Celia to Lara
"Can I finish the other side?" -Cook to Celia

The hairy cock and balls line isn't all that funny to me. It was trying way too hard, I was actually quite unhappy they had to resort to it, JJ's funny enough without having to go over the top like that. Especially with the family in the background, that was unnecessary.
Thinking that Lara even makes mucus look good is the best. It's just the best, because I'm pretty sure everybody knows that feeling, and the way he's just staring at her is just adorable. When we're smitten, hell, swine flu looks good.
Lara pointing out that it was the ladies whilst JJ's up on the ledge was just priceless. One of those classic JJ moments that isn't over the top and still hilarious. A 'Of course, JJ," moment for the win.
Lara pointing out that Liam doesn't flirt with old ladies was fucking adorable. It's so simple and yet shows all that difference between them. JJ's playful, and it's so important to him as a character, the lightheartedness of his world sometimes. Also, it's goddamn adorable that clearly she's been noticing him for a while, too, and likes him just the way he is. I mean if that doesn't scream adorable to you then...get off my blog.
Cook asking if he could finish the other side of his chest to Celia whilst holding her razor? Oh dear. I love him.
But this award will be going to Celia and her freudian slip. Because it was just so fucking hilarious and awkward and cringeworthy and understandable and endearing. All these adjectives suit JJ, hence his episode, hence: Best line.

Best Costuming:

What on earth are they putting Emily in? What have they done to her hair? I really miss S3 Emily hair. Like. A lot. It hurts.
I'm going to give this one to JJ because he actually looks like a teenager in this episode, and the buttoned up shirts and pants and pajyma pants are on. Love JJ.

Most HeartBreaking Scene:
JJ messing up over and over on date
JJ post psych meeting
Naomi in kitchen
Emily in bedroom
JJ/Lara breakup

JJ messing up on the date at the bar was so flipping cringe-worthy. I just wanted to reach in and pat him on the shoulder and tell him to calm down. And then he spits in her face. I mean....that's just a bad day for everyone. Let's start over. Pleeeeeease.
JJ post psych meeting please see below.
Naomi in the kitchen after figuring out Emily has clearly been out with someone not her is just so sad. So so sad. I think the creators have done an astounding job. I really hated Naomi, and I mean I really really did after Emily's episode, and they've managed to slowly, ever so slowly, forgive her with all this suffering. I'm all for a naomily reunion now.
Emily Fitch. Needs to never cry. I thought I had made this a law. I thought I had made this. A law. Emily Fitch needs to stop. fucking. crying. Beacuse I cannot take it. I cannot actually handle watching this girl cry.
But seeing as it is JJ's episode, the moment goes to his breakup with Lara in front of the bathroom, solely because of her use of the word 'mental' and the way his face just drops, like he could have taken any other reason. It's just terrible, and I like how the writers keep making his syndrome so important yet not. Does that make sense? Luckily enough it all works out for JJ.

Most Missed Character:

God I miss Effy. So so much. I thought they were friends, didn't they establish that in S3? I guess not.
Freddie....I didn't personally miss Freddie, but I thought he'd be pretty important in JJ's episode. Again; Guess not.
Naomi, all I can say about you is....the rumours better be fucking true that your episode is the last. this was painful.
But again. The award must go to Katie. I always. Miss. Katie.

Best Emotional Outburst:
JJ post psych meeting

JJ's outburst immediately following his meeting with his doctor and mother and unbeknowest to him, in front of Liam, was just plain heartwrenching.  I can't can''s not... It's just not fathomable, that frustration. At least not to me. And you can only imagine how tired and frustrated he is with all these pills and fake concern (KatieFitch: I am concerned. bitch) and the way his life is just directed by others. JJ's always had a lot of potential as a conflicted and dark character, but I can understand why they use him instead as comic relief. Still. This scene lived up to true skins angst expectations.

Most Touching Family Scene:
Edward/JJ "I thought you'd always be alright. I think you can come through anything, J."
Celia/Edward "You look nice"
Celia/Edward "I need you to try harder Edward. Okay?"

Edward and JJ in JJ's room was beautiful. After rewatching it a second time I realized you could have interpreted it as JJ coming out to his father and the interaction, the patience and struggle and eventual acceptance and warmth in the scene is still there. That's what's so great about JJ, and now his family. That it doesn't matter. That it's there, that it handicaps some things, maybe, but in the end, JJ's heart is pure, and as long as you're a good person with good intentions, your family is proud. And with good reason.
Celia and Edward's little "You look nice in that dress" was so simple, so sweet and honest. Baby steps.
But the award will go to Celia asking Edward to please try harder and after a moment of serious consideration, he replies, "Okay." That's what happens in a family, when you're in love. It's always, "Okay."

Wait, wait. What?:
Naomi has no idea how to act around babies??
Why is this episode so friggin disconnected from all the other ones!?

EMILY. FITCH. Please stop breaking my heart. You broke it in a million little pieces in S3, over and over and over and over. And over. And now you're just breaking it for a totally different reason. This horrendous downward spiral she's gone down has just been terrible, I feel as though she's just torturing herself, living with Naomi. But I suppose that's..the tragedy of Naomily, you know? The fact that in the end, Emily can't let her go.  .... Fuck, that's beautiful. Like, literally disgustingly beautiful. It's just revolting how she can't stop loving her, even after all this shit. And it's beautiful, of course, that she wants to forgive her, and just looking for a way. But still. Please. Please, no more Emily Fitch crying.
I don't understand why this episode has to be so disconnected to the rest of the series. JJ's episode is always a bit out of place. Nothing of importance happens in his S3 episode either, except the moment with Emily at the end, which technically could have gone in an Emily episode. I suppose, though, that once again JJ's used as comic relief. It's not like Freddie's was a bucket of sunshine. And it looks like Effy's won't have very clear skies, either.
And so this award must go to Naomi. Because what the fuck. How do you smoke in front of the baby, or refer to him as an 'it'? What the fuck, Naomi's not stupid. Maybe she's insensitive, maybe, but even then I'd fight you on it. But there's no way in hell she's stupid. No. No, no no. This award is well deserved.

jj, skins, spoilers

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