Skins 4x03 Awards *SPOILERS*

Feb 13, 2010 12:52

Best Female Performance:
Lily Loveless
Kaya Scodelario
Megan Prescott
Kathryn Prescott

Not all too many females in this episode, eh? I'll have to give it to Kaya. Onscreen for a lovely five minutes and it was clear why anyone who's anyone would fall in love with her. So chill, so composed. I don't like this look they're giving Effy, this warmer, more mature and generally just older feel to her. I don't know why, I know that sounds insane, because hey, she can't stay sixteen forever. I just think she's lost the Stonem charm. I don't see her as a hardcore romantic. I don't see the transition. I don't get it. We'll see.

Best Male Performance: 
Jack O'Connell
Luke Pasqualino
Ollie Barberi

Clearly Jack O'Connell is just on a completely different platform to all the other male leads on skins. He's got the teenage angst there. I mean he's got the grown-up, mature, wild, out-of-control, mixmatched angst and hatred and misunderstanding down to a T. I love this guy, so so much. I really really hope he still plays a big part in the rest of the series. I don't know if it's a Jack or Cook thing but I love this thing he does where he arches his back. I don't know why. It's like a signature.

Best Smexy Moment:
Cook's Mum/Guy 'Doing' Her All Week
Cook's 'effy_sex' pictures on his cell
Cook/Naomi kiss
Cook shirtless

Not a lot of lovin for the cookie monster this episode, man. The mum and her loverthatweek were off-putting. Reminded me a bit of Cassie's parents. A bit less disgusting though. Cook's Effy pictures just broke my heart. I don't know if that was smexy, just heartbreaking. Poor guy can't bring himself to delete them, I know how that feels. Cook/Naomi kiss wasn't smexy, just sad. I liked it, I don't care what any of yall say, it was gentle and broken and just what they both needed. No, award clearly goes to Jack and his chest. And arms. and back. and neck.

Best New Character:
Cook's Mum Ruth
David Blood
Cook's brother Paddy

I kind of like how out of control Ruth just goes. At first she just seems like an inadequate mother but then you realize she's just barking mad, and compeltely out of control. Am I angry skins made abstract contemporary artists look bonkers? Eh. Some of them are. David Blood. You bitch. Cook better be the one to put this guy in his place by the end of the series. Clearly he isn't going to last, and they'll drag him out through the eight episodes. I like that. Duncan: I don't get his arc. He's this lazy asshole at the beginning and suddenly he's just so, so damn good at the end, knows exactly which buttons to push to get the defense he wants. I don't know where that comes from? Maybe he's just a good lawyer and didn't like Cook? Who knows. I like him. I like that they didn't have a stupid sentimental moment between them, either. But this award will have to go to Paddy, the spitting image of a Cook who, as Cook said, gets fucked up by the people around him. That kid is the embodiment of why skins is so above and beyond teenage dramas.

Most Unnecessary Scene:

Actually to be quite honest I don't think there were any unnecessary scenes in this episode, the writing was so, so tight, I loved it. But if I must, I'd have to say this one. I don't know why they keep making JJ the bearer of bad news. He wasn't before, he was just awkward, but this series he's like the anti-cupid. Bring back sweet JJ!

Best Entrance:

I want to say Effy and her epic entrance in the jail, but man was she ever a downer with her 'I love him' This one will have to go to Cook, when he takes a deep breath and enters the common room with his epic smile before being expelled by Blood. Love the scene before it, you see how broken up he is, just how hesitant he can be. And then he braves this face, the same face we've always seen on him. Huge huge huge scene, the way he just washes everything over his pain and acts, so well, that everything's great.

Best Line:
'Jonathan can kiss my arse. Unless he's tired from kissing yours.' -Cook
'When did you get so sorry for yourself, Cook?' -Naomi
'It's fine. Sorted. Everything's cool.' -Cook
'I love you, too. Whatever you're doing, you can stop. All you've got to do is stop.' -Freddie
'That's what I've always loved about you, Cook. Brave.' -Effy

These lines just slay me. Skins just kills me. God. I wish all teenagers were as witty as Cook, all DavidBloods and Jonathans would run scared. Naomi, ever the observant one, must have learnt that from Emily. I do like that she's one of the few people who can see straight through him, though. Freddie was actually given a really really decent line this episode. As much as I hate him I've got to admit his friendship with Cook is...relatively understandable I suppose. And his line really hit me, I don't know why. But it really encapsulated the sidelines feeling to a self-destructive friend. No one really understands Cook. I think it's sweet, innocent, endearing and adorable how...they think he can stop. Just stop. And maybe he can? Maybe it is that simple? Who knows. Effy loving Cook's bravery: love it, saw that even in series 3, who doesn't love how wild he is? But I think this time it's referring to a different, more mature, selfless kind of bravery. And so: Cook's development from 16 to 18. And so the award must simply must go to the line in response to Freddie's apology. Because there's nothing else he can do but to not let a girl get between them, because he just loves Freddie too much, and maybe deep down, even after all the shit Fredds puts him through, it really is fine, and they'll be okay.

Best Costuming:
Jack O'Connell
Lily Loveless
Kaya Scodelario
Kathryn Prescott
Luke Pasqualino

Freddie dresses like a homeless man. Why does no one else notice this!?
Lily, you are lovely. But probably not best dressed.
Kaya, I miss the way Effy dressed in series 3. I really really do. She's rocking it too hard this series. Too epic. I don't think Effy's the kind of person who really...puts all that much effort into her wardrobe. I dunno. Maybe I need to read the novel? *eyeroll*
Kathryn Prescott. Hah. I am admittedly bias when I say I want to give this to you for your ten second clip of blue flannel in the common room. Oy. I love you.
No no. Jack is without a doubt EXTREMELY well dressed this episode. I mean like. whoa. They really got Cook down this series. Favourite outfit would have to be shirtless+jean jacket whilst destroying car. I loves it. So rough and yet classic and reminds me of a cowboy.

Most HeartBreaking Scene:
Cook after Freddie leaves
Cook as he's being taken away.
Cook in Duncan's office 'I couldn't stand the way she was looking at him'

I'm going to have to give this one to Cook after Freddie leaves, because the rest are spread out. I really really do like this scene, I was admittedly near tears. For the others I wasn't. The guy is...he is so alone, and lost, and alone. And trying so desperately to get ahold of something tangible, yet he has nothing. I love this scene, I guess, because it just conveys the message, as I think all Cook's heartbreaking scenes do, that 'Hey. He's just a kid. He's just. A kid.'

Most Missed Character:

Like I said. There will never be an episode where there's too much Katie.
Also, Emily. But that is me being bias.

Best Emotional Outburst:
Cook after Freddie leaves
Cook as he's being taken away.
Cook in Duncan's office 'I couldn't stand the way she was looking at him'

Best emotional outburst, simply must, go to his confession to Duncan. Oh dear. Oh my. The buildup of this scene was damn-near apocalyptic. Whoever wrote this episode is pretty much a god. The violence, the frustration and altogether genuinely dangerous yet innocent aspect of Cook brought out in two very, very epic minutes.

Most Touching Family Scene:
Cook destryoing car with Paddy
Cook as he's being taken away.

Most touching moment would without a doubt in my mind have to go to the very last scene when Cook lets go of Paddy, relinquishing him to the care of Freddie and Effy. Mostly Effy. Maybe he can't save himself, but he can save Paddy.

Wait, wait. What?:
Freddie/Effy are like. married.
JJ's bruises heal within like, two days.
David Blood can get away with that shit?

I dunno, everything was pretty believable this episode. I'll give it to Freddie/Ruth. This moment shows the clear distincttion between Freddie and Cook, I find. Whereas Freddie flies off the handle when he finds out about Cook/Karen, Cook can never actually bring himself to hurt Freddie. 
Incidentally: Bigger sister/Your best friend is better than Your best friend/YOUR MOM.

Cook >>>>>>>>>>>>>Freddie

cook, oh skins take me now, spoilers

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