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hooskiex3 and taken 183 times on
bzoink!Layer 1-BasicsName:ANNA SIRADZEAge:18Place of birth:TBILISI, THE REPUBLIC OF GEORGIACurrent town:PROVIDENCE, RI, USAeye color:GREENhair color:AUBURNhighlights?:NOPEzodiac sign:SCORPIOrighty or lefty:RIGHTY. DAMN PROUD. layer 2-about youHeritage:RUSSIAN, GEORGIAN, JEWISHweakness:LOVEfears:HIEGHTSGoal you want to achieve:ETERNAL HAPPINESSLayer 3-todaywhat are you wearing:SWEATER AND UNDERWEARwhat shoes are you wearing:IT'S CALLED SOCKSlast time you showered:THIS MORNINGcurrent hair:DOWN AND UGLY.what are you planning to do:WAIT FOR A PHONE CALL THAN GO TO BED.current sound:HUMMING OF THE COMPUTERcurrent taste:BITTER SWEETcurrent sight:ROB'S FACELayer 4-do yousmoke:WHEN DRUNKdrink:ON WEEKENDScut:GREW OUT OF THAT.swear:LIKE A SAILORplay an instrument:NEVERsing:ALWAYS HORRIBLY TERRIBLY BAD, I LOVE ITshower everyday:HATE TO AND DON'T. WHO CARES? I DON'T.beleieve in yourself:TO MESS UP? SURE. TO DO THE RIGHT THING? NEVER.believe in God:WHEN DESPERATEbelieve in the Devil:MY BEST FRIENDbelieve theres a heaven:MAYBE IF I CHANGE MY WAYS.hell?:ALREADY BOOKED A FLIGHT.have a crush:MORE LIKE IN LOVE.want to get married:I DO. YES. YEAH. TOTALLY.think your attractive:I'VE BEEN TOLD freak:SOMETIMES GO THROUGH STAGES.Layer 5-in the past 6 monthsdrank alchohol:OF COURSEsmoked:DEF. TOO MUCH.had sex:SIGH. YES...BUT IT'S BEEN 3 MONTHS TOO LONGdone a drug:YES.kissed someone:YES.gone skinny dipping:NOPE...WAIT...I DKstolen anything:MHMMMM, CHANNEL SUNGLASSES= $350gone to the mall:YESTERDAYbeaten anyone up:LOL. PUSHED SAM B. DOWN THE STAIRS.gotten beaten up:FUCK NO. NEVER.
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