« NPCs_ »
☆ The non-playable characters that control your fate. Sort of?
Please read this section carefully. Not every NPC is up for players to toss around as some are crucial to the game's storyline.
This section is subject to change and will probably do so often, so checking back isn't a bad idea. XD
General NPCs
A mysterious panel of doctors choosing to reveal to themselves only as "The Council", these are the men and women that make your stay in Tredecim as unpleasant as possible. While intelligent enough to just barely keep this place running, they seem to lack a great deal of organization, thus contributing to the constant state of chaos the hospital seems to find itself in. They are wise in keeping their faces hidden from the patients, for if any disgruntled passerby were to encounter them... Well, they know that their safety is at risk.
They are incompetent, yes, but they mean well. Some of them do, anyway. Whether or not you choose to trust their motives is entirely up to you.
For the safety of the doctors who would rather remain behind the scenes, these zombie nurses have been dispatched to administer treatment in their stead. Whether or not they do their assigned jobs properly is still up for debate, however. They can handle the most basic of instructions, anything from bringing you a cup of pills to changing your bandages.
Even if they aren't the brightest crayons in the box, they still stand as a strong backbone of the hospital, even if they lack strong backbones of their own.
Though the nurses come in two basic models only, coloring of skin, hair, and eyes may sometimes differ from zombie to zombie.
★ Nurse Model #1 (left) is the most commonly seen model roaming the halls. While her motor skills are often lacking (constantly dropping/losing her body parts can contribute to this), she is much more capable than her smaller, child-like counterpart at escorting patients from room to room. She is able to withstand a bit of damage without being deterred. Her main duty at the moment seems to be observing the patients and taking down notes on her clipboard. However, if you were to take her clipboard from her and try to see what she had written, you will find the page mysteriously blank.
★ Nurse Model #2 (right) is perhaps the more useful of the two models, as her motor skills appear to be on a greater level than her predecessor's, though physically she is a bit weaker. Her abilities seemed to be focused more on treating wounds and administering medication. When you lose consciousness and wake to find that you're back in your room, nice and unharmed, it is often the combined efforts of a grunt and this petite little medic that have restored you.
Interacting: As these are the most common NPCs for your characters to come across, players are given free-reign to post about their encounters with them with very few limitations. Unless permission has been granted by a mod (either privately or through a mod post), the nurses will *not* be passing out medication. If you would like to participate in an event where medication is administered to your character, you may either talk over a possible situation with a mod or volunteer whenever a mini-plot post goes up. Either way, plots involving medicines and attaining them need to first be given the green light by a mod.
Model #2 coming eventually!
Stemming from the same branch as the nursing staff, the accurately named Grunts (after the grunting sound they let out, go figure) are the brawn of the operation. You could say that they are the "men in white coats" that you've always joked about trying to take you away. Wherever the nursing staff may fail, the grunts are then sent in to take their place. Basically, if the doctors feel that you've become too hostile for their sweet little nurses to take care of, they'll send a nice big grunt in to deliver your necessary doses of pain obedience.
The grunts do not respond well to being physically threatened and will not hesitate to use force to get you to back down. Despite their poorly engineered framework, the grunts are designed to be stable and sturdy, and can sometimes be a bit more aggressive than they were intended to be.
★ Grunt Model #1 has a tendency to apply more force than necessary in situations that don't really call for it and isn't exactly the most graceful thing to roam the halls. He is especially protective of the smaller Nurse Model #2, and can sometimes be seen with her sitting atop his shoulder.
★ Grunt Model #2 - not released yet.
Interacting: Like the nurses, players are free to "control" the grunts to a point. You are allowed to mention an encounter with the grunts in passing and you are allowed to physically interact with them without much mod intervention. However, since grunts are the muscle of the nursing staff, you will be required to ask a mod before engaging in any plots that involve attacking a grunt so that we can work out the proper retaliation.
Sentient NPCs
Sentient NPCs are kept alive by one of 7 capital vices that keeps them chained to this world by a thread. When living, one of these sins had been strong enough for the doctors to use as an anchor, thus successfully weighing a portion of consciousness into a dead body. They are, to some degree, able to receive and respond to information or confrontation, so long as your requests of them are simple and stay within their assigned jobs.
The anomalies are NPCs that have appeared without prompting by the doctors. They are free from the control of the council and do as they please, up to a point. The doctors seem to be able to suppress a great deal of their activity, but not enough to control them completely. At the moment, no one has any real idea if they are on the side of the patients or not, but they certainly aren't cooperating with the doctors. Which is reason enough to keep a close eye on them.
¤ Angelica - A ghost-like anomaly to the hospital that not even the doctors are quite sure what to make of. Her appearance generally takes on the form of a young girl with completely black eyes and pale hair, dressed from head to toe in white. At the moment, as she is no threat, she is allowed to freely roam the halls as she chooses. Because she is not a creation of the doctors, they are often unable to track her activities, hindering any efforts to study her behavior at this point in time. She is the most active of all the anomalies and is prone to tampering with electronics from time to time.
Most recently, a strange file has appeared on the desktops of everyone's computers that simply says "Angelica". Clicking on it simply causes your screen to flash black for a moment before returning to normal.
Interacting: At this moment in time, Angelica is inactive, not open for direct interactions with characters. However, if you wish for your character to mention spotting her in passing (perhaps a flash of her in the corner of your eye or a reflection in the mirror that isn't behind you), you're welcome to do so.
¤ Fran, Franken Fran (
[Played by Goo.]
Fran was originally pulled into Tredecim as a patient, but in short order the doctors realized she had the potential for greater (or at least more interesting) things. So reclassified as the asylum's new medic, Fran has set up shop in one of the exam rooms, and she's eager to get to work...on the other patients. She doesn't let trifling things like "consent" and "quality of life" stop her once she's begun operating; everything she is doing is purely in your best interest, of course. Any alterations Fran makes are to fix some flaw you didn't realize you had, or didn't mind having, or would prefer to keep over the alternative. She's always scouring the halls, scavenging for parts or looking for new patients to "help". So if your character decides to get into a bloody fight in the halls, or finds themself killed after biting off more than they can chew, beware: Fran will be there to pick up the pieces...literally. And just to add insult to injury, she'll likely present you with an outrageously large bill for her services once she's finished.
It's not so much that the doctors have limited control over Fran as they condone what she is doing and give her full access to materials to work. She doesn't have any sort of preternatural powers, and you can try to kill her if you want, but if you tear her to pieces, she'll just be put back together again...and you might even witness her putting herself back together. She might look similar to the nurses in construction, but don't be fooled: if you try to take her on, you'll have a mess on your hands, and she'll have a new patient once the grunts are finished with you.
Fran also has access to the forums, and will occasionally scour them for situations that need her medical attention from the computer in her office. She'll even occasionally post public health announcements, because she only cares about your wellbeing, after all. ♥
Interacting: The quickest, easiest way to interact with Fran is for your character to wind up in need of medical attention somewhere in the common areas (i.e. outside of the patient rooms). If a character isn't quickly whisked back to a room to recover, Fran will be there to collect them (as she, like the patients, can't enter a room unless invited). She will also be in charge of collecting all characters that are killed, regardless of whether they end up in someone's room or not (the grunts will assist her in retrieiving her new patient). If you wish to have interaction with Fran outside of these situations, then you can initiate it on the forums, put in a request for a medical exam at the reception desk, or contact Fran's mun to work something out. Characters with very obvious flaws (missing eyes, missing limbs, scars) make very good targets for Fran.
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