Apr 15, 2006 21:53
Mother came home with a pet parrot today. And no, I'm not joking, I'm deadly serious, we have a parrot...his name is Gatwick....he likes to shit on mummintosh. Uuuuuhgstupidramblingoldbag. So now we have, 2 dogs, a cat, 2 rabbits, however many chickens and a parrot. Woooo...
Today I feel really...weird, I don't really want to type about it on a public Livejournal, I'll just say that I don't like these feelings and these situations and these 'words of wisdom' and I want them to go away.
GO AWAY!!!!!!!!
Ellie's house was fun, sill ol' famer and yummy brownies 123443212234 and toni and fern...you guys are too nosy for you're own good, and kinda cruel too. Tut tut.