Log 2.

Jul 09, 2008 19:58

Log 2: After Breakfast (cont. from Log 1)

sakusha: [do you have anything more for the restaurant, or shall we move them back home?]
Tsuzuki unlocked the door back into his tiny apartment and sighed. The mess never used to bother him. And he already felt a little restless without something to do. "So, now what?"
sakusha: Hisoka kicked off his tennis shoes and stepped into the entranceway. "Up to you," he replied. "We could clean your apartment, or go shopping for groceries or gardening supplies, or... just sit around."
sammywhatammy: Tsuzuki fidgeted. "You don't have to help me clean up around here. It's kinda embarrassing," he mumbled.
sakusha: Hisoka couldn't help smiling at that. "You're blushing," he teased.
sammywhatammy: "I am not!" Tsuzuki whined loudly, feeling his cheeks. Yeah, they were warm. Dammit all! "So what if I am?" he pouted.
sakusha: "So it's *cute*," Hisoka replied in a vastly superior tone.
Tsuzuki pouted even harder. "I like blushing better when you're doing it."
sakusha: "Idiot," Hisoka said fondly, kissing Tsuzuki on one rosy cheek.
"Ah, see, if you do that," Tsuzuki smiled at last, "I can't resist doing this!" And he pulled Hisoka into a hug.
sakusha: Hisoka gave a startled yelp as he was engulfed in Tsuzuki's bear hug, but the happiness radiating off of his partner was enough to make him endure it.
sammywhatammy: Tsuzuki reciprocated the kiss on the cheek and let go. "I'll clean up the whole place myself, but will you help me with the fridge? It's probably toxic in there by now."
sakusha: "Only if you'll help with the one in my apartment."
sammywhatammy: "...Did you even keep food in it? With you eating habits, I mean."
sakusha: "Shut up," Hisoka replied, silencing Tsuzuki with a kiss.
sammywhatammy: *you're, whut the hell
sammywhatammy: (bwaha >D)
Oh. Well. Pleasant surprises are always good. Tsuzuki smiled a little bit into it, placing one hand lightly on Hisoka's back.
sakusha: Hisoka didn't know what was causing the sudden swell of emotions in him. Maybe it was the fact that they'd come back *together*. Maybe it was the sheer normalcy of their morning, despite the fact that they could now *do* this and have it *be* part of the normal morning. Maybe it was the fact that he was still a sixteen year old boy with sixteen year old hormones that flared up when he least expected it. He didn't really care about the reason; all Hisoka cared about was Tsuzuki, and how he finally understood what the big deal was about love.
Tsuzuki broke away and smiled warmly. He felt kinda dumb saying it aloud, but... "I love you, y'know." He was quiet and embarrassed, but he wanted to say it anyway.
sakusha: Hisoka blushed deeply. Curling his fingers in Tsuzuki's suit lapels, he murmured, "... I love you too."
Tsuzuki kissed Hisoka again, maybe lingering just a little longer this time. He always liked the way his chest felt a little tight, not unpleasantly, every time they got close like this. But he wasn't going to scare his partner and go any further, so he let go. He reconciled with himself by just smiling at Hisoka, and running his free hand through his partner's hair.
sammywhatammy: ( ;;; i gave up(
sakusha: [awww, don't worry! it's great~ <3]
sakusha: Hisoka leaned into the touch, just a little - it felt so different from the hair ruffles he normally got from Tsuzuki. Instead of a brotherly ruffling, it was more of a caress, and Hisoka *liked* it. He looked up into Tsuzuki's brilliant amethyst eyes and smiled. Hisoka smiled so rarely he felt a little foolish, but he needed to take that step. Let Tsuzuki know he was happy. Still smiling, he rose up on tiptoes to brush a feather light kiss to Tsuzuki's lips, followed by another, more insistant kiss.
Tsuzuki held Hisoka where he was by placing a gentle (but firm) hand at the back of his neck. It was still up to Hisoka when to stop, but Tsuzuki still had a say in whether he wanted to or not. He knew what it meant, so he was going to hold onto this as long as he could.
sakusha: Hisoka was thankful Tsuzuki had decided to move slowly. He liked keeping things at his own pace; he liked to feel in control, even if Tsuzuki was the one to dictate what to do next. Hisoka deepened the kiss, and tasted an explosion of sweetness - how much syrup was on those pancakes?!
sammywhatammy: (o-okay. i'm done laughing enough to actually write now XD)
sakusha: [;;;;;;;;]
sammywhatammy: (ITS SO CUTE <3)
sakusha: [yay~~~ :D]
sammywhatammy: (i can imagine him being all ... bleh |P after)
sammywhatammy: (...we are hopeless saps.)
sammywhatammy: (by the way.)
sakusha: [we are :D]
sammywhatammy: Hisoka tasted bitter, like the coffee and burnt toast from earlier. It made Tsuzuki want to laugh, just because it made him so happy. It was just...so Hisoka.
sakusha: Hisoka's toes were starting to feel strained, but he didn't want to break away - not yet. He wrapped his arms around Tsuzuki's neck, trying to pull himself higher. He couldn't ask to be picked up or if they could sit down - it would get too awkward and rational, and for once Hisoka didn't want his mind shutting out his emotions.
Feeling the weight of Hisoka's arms was enough to pull Tsuzuki down a little closer to his height, since the difference between them was considerable enough. ...But, it wasn't particularly comfortable. His back was starting to ache.
sakusha: [lol tsuzuki's such an old man XD]
sammywhatammy: (YES HE IS XD)
sammywhatammy: (epic cheek pinchiiiiiiing)
sakusha: Hisoka's kisses finally left Tsuzuki's lips and trailed down his neck, light and fluttery, unsure if they were even allowed. Too soon Hisoka's lips met with a frustrating collar, and he trailed his fingers along its circular edge, pouting silently.
Tsuzuki felt like his heart was fluttering in his chest, like a butterfly trapped in a his ribcage. He smiled broadly, fighting to repress the laugh that would result if his emotions bubbled over too much, and hugged Hisoka closer. He tentatively placed his other hand on Hisoka's back, maybe clutching the fabric of his shirt just a little.
sakusha: Hisoka lowered his feet back to the floor, his hands trailing down Tsuzuki's chest. It was broad and warm and muscular - he could never tell when Tsuzuki wore suits - the kind of figure Hisoka could only wish he had. A sudden desire to see Tsuzuki shirtless stole through him, and Hisoka immediately blushed. He wasn't supposed to be thinking things like that... was he? They were... *together*, weren't they? Shouldn't he want to see more of Tsuzuki?
Tsuzuki suddenly felt shy with the way Hisoka was touching him; he didn't want Hisoka to know what this was all doing to him. Being so caught up in what they were doing made him forget Hisoka's empathy and that he could probably already tell, since he wasn't doing much to shield himself. He withdrew just a little, partially out of that sudden embarrassment and also a little surprised.
sakusha: Hisoka pulled his hands away, immediately concerned. Oh god, what if he *had* made Tsuzuki uncomfortable... "I-I'm sorry," he said quickly, horrified with himself. What was he *doing*?!
Looking surprised, Tsuzuki stared in incomprehension for a second. Then, realizing, he laughed. "What are you sorry for! I just wasn't expecting it is all. Here--" He took Hisoka's small hands into his own and just held them gently, smiling. "I'm fine, I promise." He kissed Hisoka on the forehead to emphasize this. "Are you okay?"
sakusha: Hisoka blushed darkly. "I'm not a child," he mumbled, averting his eyes.
Tsuzuki cocked an eyebrow. "I didn't say you were."
sakusha: Hisoka ignored this. "I'm fine," he said, as though he were repeating himself. Then, he thought, he may as well... "Could we go... somewhere more comfortable?" Hisoka asked softly, blushing deeper.
"Uh. Good idea." Tsuzuki stared around his apartment. The only possible comfortable place was his futon. His apartment was too small for much else, especially not furniture. "But where?"
sakusha: Hisoka glanced around the apartment, and didn't see too many options. "Futon," he said simply, pulling Tsuzuki by the hands towards the bed. He hoped he wouldn't be misunderstood.
Tsuzuki followed obediently, and sat down without any grace whatsoever. He just sort of smiled placidly, willing to let Hisoka decide whatever came next. His nervousness was gone too, which would hopefully help.
sakusha: Hisoka nearly rolled his eyes until he noticed the sun shining in from the window, falling too perfectly on Tsuzuki. His hair looked browner, his eyes that much more vibrant a purple. He was really... beautiful. Hisoka started to feel nervous, knowing as beautiful a person - in all senses of the word - as Tsuzuki was smiling directly at him. His heart thudding in his chest, Hisoka leaned in to press his lips to Tsuzuki's once more.
Tsuzuki returned the kiss gently but still with enthusiasm. He let one hand stay still in his lap, while the other lightly touched a few fingertips on Hisoka's cheek.
sakusha: Hisoka shifted closer, his eyes closing of their own accord as he sustained the kiss. After hesitating a few moments, he rested one thin, pale hand on Tsuzuki's chest, the touch light and uncertain.
Tsuzuki made a brief, pleased noise in the back of his throat, trying not to smile again. A little more confident, he let his hand slide to cup Hisoka's face gently. He also touched the arm Hisoka was touching /him/ with, just to let him know that what he was doing was okay.
sakusha: Hisoka tried to surpress a shudder of pleasure at that *sound* Tsuzuki made. He began to kiss his partner with more vigor, his hand clutching involuntarily at Tsuzuki's shirt.
Tsuzuki was surprised, but forced himself to not show it in any way so as not to startle his partner. He tightened his grip slightly on Hisoka's arm, but otherwise let Hisoka lead. He slowly ran his fingers through Hisoka's hair - how could it be so soft?
Hisoka made a contented sound and moved his other hand on Tsuzuki's chest too, tracing thin fingers along the subtle curve of Tsuzuki's collarbone through the thin fabric of his t-shirt. Slow, careful touching.

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