Log 1.

May 28, 2008 19:36

Log 1: Return from Avoria [5/17]

It was the light that woke him up that morning. Tsuzuki had gotten used to the bluish tint of morning in Avoria and the sounds of the small city outside the window, but on this particular day, something was a little pinker, a little colder. It was a change like that, creeping behind his eyelids, that woke Tsuzuki up. Begrudging morning and every reason that one has to get up for it, he opened his eyes...and stared in confusion at the ceiling. It was a familiar ceiling, though Tsuzuki couldn't immediately place where he'd seen it before. It wasn't until he noticed a crack in the bulb that he thought he had forgotten to replace, and he remembered suddenly. He tried to sit up, but a weight on his chest prevented him - Hisoka was sleeping soundly. Instead, Tsuzuki turned his head to look around; there were his vases, filled with long deceased flowers, one of his shirts crumpled in a heap where he had tossed it on the floor (and still with a sauce stain), and any number of his abandoned possessions littering his tiny one-room apartment. Not sure if he should be happy about this surprise, he gently tried to wake his sleeping partner with a small shake on his shoulder.

Hisoka did not appreciate interruptions in his sleep. He groaned softly as Tsuzuki shook his shoulder, a few traces of his partner's bemusement slipping through his lowered defenses. He was warm and comfortable, and he wanted to keep it that way.

"Whatime 'sit?" he mumbled, burrowing his face closer against Tsuzuki's chest. It was way too early for classes, and Tsuzuki never got up before him.

"Hisokaaaa," Tsuzuki whined softly, a little distressed now that his partner wasn't even paying attention. "The time doesn't matter. Look where we are."

Hisoka opened his eyes and blearily looked around. "This... isn't Avoria," he said finally, raising his head as he stared at all the unfamiliar objects in the apartment. "Unless the twins moved us while we were sleeping again..."

Tsuzuki turned awkwardly to look out the window to his right. The eternal sakura were still there, they always would be. How annoying. "They wouldn't play the same prank twice, it'd be too boring. But seriously!" He grinned down at Hisoka. "Take a good guess. It's hard to believe."

Hisoka rubbed his eyes sleepily and followed Tsuzuki's gaze out the window. "Meifu?" he whispered in disbelief.

"Probably just as we left it, too," Tsuzuki replied, still grinning. "Explosions and demons and bad Kiseki records. Typical days at the office." He stared out the window for a moment after that, frowning thoughtfully. "...Do you think Tatsumi's gonna dock our pay for being missing?"

"As though yours could get any lower," Hisoka replied, rolling his eyes and smirking faintly. Meifu... it was hard to believe. After all the time they'd spent in Avoria, away from the routine of life as a shinigami - if such a thing could ever be called routine - would he have the strength to be able to return to it? Would Tsuzuki? And how would the others in Enmachou react to all that had happened while they were gone?

Tsuzuki pouted. "Hey now... I was always able to afford food and rent. That has to count for something!"

Hisoka leaned on Tsuzuki's chest, his chin resting on his hands. "I'll grant you that you've never borrowed money from me before, but that doesn't change the number of times I've seen you giving Tatsumi-san puppy-dog eyes for an advance."

Tsuzuki's cheeks flushed in embarrassment, and he started picking at the old worn tatami mats to avoid meeting Hisoka's eye. He wouldn't mention the times he'd gone over to Tatsumi's for meals when he HAD run out of money. "W-well, still. I haven't had to be kicked out of my living space in almost thirty years," he muttered begrudgingly, trying to regain some dignity.

"Congratulations." Yawning, Hisoka lacked any scathing edge to his reply.

Tsuzuki fell quiet again, studying him. "Should we go tell everyone we're back?

Hisoka was silent for a long moment. He finally had a taste of a normal life. Not in Avoria, but still not in Meifu, this morning he and Tsuzuki were alone and free. The selfish impulse to stay in bed and hide from responsibility reminded him how much of a child he still was. But he couldn't bring himself to say it out loud, because then it really would be admitting his own childishness. He didn't say anything, and hoped Tsuzuki would just drop the question, because he had no idea what he would do if Tsuzuki got out of bed.

Only able to make a good guess of what Hisoka was thinking, Tsuzuki cocked his head a little and stared for a minute, trying to make sure. "It wouldn't have to be right away, y'know," was his belated addendum. A slow, wicked grin spread across his face when something occurred to him. "Another day or two won't hurt anybody."

"Oh?" Hisoka tried his best to look unruffled, despite his heart leaping a beat in excitement. "And what would you have in mind to do while we play hookey?"

Tsuzuki considered this for a moment and shrugged, or as best he could while propping himself up on one elbow. "Anything. Nothing." Another moment's thought. The wicked grin again. "Something~"

Hisoka flushed at the devilish tone of Tsuzuki's voice. He pushed himself up to a sitting position, still a little groggy, and muttered, "You really are a dirty old man." Without letting Tsuzuki get in a retort, Hisoka kissed him gently.

The look on Tsuzuki's face feigned innocence, but didn't care if it failed. He let his lips linger a little longer than Hisoka's intent, and winked gleefully at his partner when he reluctantly broke apart. "Well, this dirty old man likes that kind of 'good morning'."

"I-Idiot," Hisoka managed, his face bright red. He was too embarrassed to kiss Tsuzuki again, both from his partner's flirtation and from the fact that Tsuzuki actually thought what he was doing was fun. Logically speaking, kissing *should* be fun, but Hisoka had difficulties believing sex would lead to anything but dirtiness and pain. He had gotten better during their time in Avoria, but being caught off-guard like this still triggered his natural reactions.

Tsuzuki stayed oblivious and smiled at making Hisoka blush. It was so easy, and he always liked seeing the usually stern boy get flustered. He lightly ruffled Hisoka's hair. "If you'd let me up, maybe I could find some breakfast."

"I'll do it," Hisoka said, a little louder than necessary. "I wouldn't trust you within twenty feet of the kitchen." He was still blushing, but at least by teasing back he could get Tsuzuki to stop poking fun at him. He rose from the bed, stretching thin arms over his head and started to gingerly pick his way through Tsuzuki's room.

Tsuzuki just chuckled to himself as Hisoka made his way through the debris, then got up and stretched. He lazily surveyed the damage he'd left behind, before his eyes fell on the small table he kept near his futon space. He had one of those sayings-a-day calendars ("365 Things You'd Like to Say to Your Boss When You Quit"), and the date was far off from what he remembered it being in Avoria... "Hey, Hisoka...?"

"What?" Hisoka called from the tiny kitchen, where he was disdainfully poking through Tsuzuki's pots and pans.

"...How long do you figure since we've been here? Only...I think everything's probably long rotted by now..." Tsuzuki winced at the thought of the waste of food, and the mess that doubtless graced his refrigerator now.

"Hard to tell," Hisoka replied, now warily eyeing the refrigerator. Maybe he didn't want to open it after all. "Something was interfering with time in Avoria, but by exactly how much is anyone's guess."

"Well, do you think going out would be a better idea?" Tsuzuki didn't think to hide the glee in his voice at the thought of pancakes. "There's always somewhere to get something quick, and then we could-" ...Oh wait. "...grab groceries on the way back."

Hisoka fished some coffee out of the cabinet, his brow furrowed at the thought of using instant. "Can I make some coffee first?" he asked, already dismayed at the thought of eating whatever sugary food Tsuzuki had in mind. And then there was the question of clothes. Hisoka was still in his pajamas, and all of Tsuzuki's clothes were probably too big for him.

"You don't have anything I could wear, do you?" he asked as he set some water to boil. "I don't want to leave the apartment only half-decent."

Tsuzuki smirked at the last remark. "I'll find something while you're making coffee. Can I get a cup, please?" He got up and rummaged around in his (always too small) chest of drawers. Thankfully, most of his clothes were still there since they had both been so unceremoniously dumped in Avoria, but a lot of the clothes were deposited in dirty heaps around his futon. There were a few sweaters and old sweatpants that he used for lounging around in, along with a few colored dress shirts. Grinning and humming tunelessly to himself, Tsuzuki picked out colors he thought would look nice on Hisoka despite the size - a pale yellow polo shirt, a deep red v-neck sweater, and a pair of gray sweatpants that were the least moth-eaten. After piling them into his arms, he headed back to the cramped kitchen. "How's it coming?"

Hisoka was disdainfully spooning out the brown powder that tried to pass for coffee, but gave Tsuzuki traces of a smile as he entered the kitchen. "We need to get you better coffee," he replied, a hint of haughtiness sneaking its way into his tone.

Tsuzuki imitated Hisoka's signature move - an eye roll. "If you're going to be so picky, you can move in so you actually get a say in that. Or pick up the gourmet stuff yourself." Tsuzuki gently prodded Hisoka in the back and then showed him the clothes. "Want me to leave these in the bathroom for you?

Hisoka realized Tsuzuki probably didn't mean it in that way, but he couldn't help the moment of surprise when Tsuzuki mentioned moving in together. It wasn't like they didn't live in the same room back at Avoria, but... somehow thinking about those sorts of things in Meifu made them more real.

Hisoka recovered quickly, though, and didn't let on his mixed emotions. "Yeah, I'll change in a minute."

"The sugar's in that cabinet to your left. Could you get it out for me please?" He went into the even smaller bathroom and took his time folding the clothes and arranging them in a nice pile for Hisoka. God's in the details, or something like that. Tsuzuki made a face after catching a glimpse of himself in the (dirty) mirror and fussed with his hair. He shuffled back to his drawers, found a more moth-eaten pair of sweatpants and a very old, faded t-shirt that he usually used for sleeping in, and changed in the bathroom. He came out and said nothing, quietly waiting for coffee.

Hisoka finished making the coffee, spooning an ungodly amount of sugar into Tsuzuki's cup - though he knew it wouldn't be enough - and set the mugs on the table.

It was a little odd seeing Tsuzuki in something other than a suit; usually they ended up falling asleep still in their clothes, so Hisoka had rarely seen him dress so casually. But it was still too early for teasing. Hisoka seated himself at the table and took a sip of the watery coffee. It was all bitterness and no flavor but he managed to get it down.

Hisoka glanced at Tsuzuki. It was impossible to say why he was in love with this man. He was sloppy and childish, and the complete opposite of Hisoka in so many respects. But... even though he could never say it out loud, Hisoka had never felt so safe with anyone. Waking up as they did only ten minutes ago - Hisoka felt that he could forgive any of Tsuzuki's faults just by seeing his smile.

Obviously if he told Tsuzuki, he'd get the teasing of a lifetime and never be taken seriously again, so he sat there in awkward silence, sipping his coffee.

"I doubt it's as sweet as you want it," Hisoka finally said, quietly eyeing Tsuzuki's mug.

Tsuzuki gratefully reached for his mug and enjoyed the heat in his hands before taking a sip. ...Definitely still too bitter. "Nope, it's perfect," he said with a huge grin. "I don't know if I should be happy or embarrassed that you can do it so well for me~ I have the best wife!" Tsuzuki couldn't help it; teasing Hisoka was one of his greatest pleasures. He ruffled his partner's hair, before letting his hand drift to Hisoka's face and pinching his cheek, with a wink and a cheeky grin.

"Wife?!" Hisoka sputtered, nearly choking on his coffee. Blushing fiercely, he batted Tsuzuki's hand away. "You've been spending too much time with Saya and Yuma," he muttered.

Tsuzuki wagged a finger, grin broader than ever. "Aw, you give them too much credit. We've been away, remember?"

"Too much time with the twins, then" Hisoka retorted, seething. Regardless of how little attention he paid to his appearance, he could never escape the constant barrage of unwanted compliments. At least he hadn't been forced into a dress lately.

Tsuzuki chuckled. "Fair enough. At least no unwanted packages from Etna?"

Hisoka blushed even harder. "I had managed to forget about that particular incident, thank you, Tsuzuki, for reminding me." God had that been embarrassing. Hisoka had never even *seen* half of those... things, and hoped he wouldn't ever again.

Tsuzuki laughed fully this time. "Oh, lighten up," he said without malice. "It was a prank in really bad taste, but it didn't do any harm, right?"

"Whatever," Hisoka replied sullenly, taking another drink of coffee. He hadn't ever mentioned to Tsuzuki the hour he spent hyperventilating in the bathroom after opening that box.

Tsuzuki said nothing, considering Hisoka for a minute. He really could be an idiot sometimes. Times like these made him with for a rewind button in his life. "I went too far, huh."

Hisoka fingered the mug distractedly. "No, you're right," he said, trying to get his voice up to strength. "It was just a dumb prank." He took a large drink of coffee and gestured to the pot of water. "Want any more?"

Tsuzuki idly wondered if the bitter taste in his mouth was really just the coffee now. "No thanks. I'm more hungry now than anything else. I'm definitely up for pancakes, I think." He tried to sound successfully distracted by the change in subject, but he couldn't help it. He'd always worry over his partner.

"I'll get changed," Hisoka replied, slowly rising from his chair and heading for the bathroom, clothes in hand.

Tsuzuki didn't say anything, but continued drinking his coffee. He'd think of something to get Hisoka's mind of that. Ideally, make him smile. Tsuzuki racked his brain for something to surprise Hisoka with. When he came up with a solution, he figured it might be a long shot; the place might be gone now, for all he knew. It was worth a shot, though.

Hisoka sighed heavily as he shut the door to the bathroom. He was okay. It was just a stupid joke. He was *okay*. He changed clothes with remarkable speed, not wanting his eyes lingering on his body for longer than necessary. Get it together, Kurosaki. Moping wasn't going to solve anything. He couldn't change anything that had happened. Biting his lip, he slipped quietly from the bathroom and returned to the kitchen, intent on cleaning up.

Tsuzuki smiled as Hisoka came back in the kitchen. "Ready to go?"

Hisoka arched an eyebrow. "Dishes first."

Tsuzuki waved a dismissive hand. "They can wait. Food is more important!" He tugged impatiently on Hisoka's (his) sweater, smiling with the intent to persuade with his usual routine. "Please~?"

Hisoka rolled his eyes but didn't feel up to fighting this morning. "Where do you want to go?" he asked in a defeated tone.

"Well, there is my favorite place, but it's a bit of a walk." He was smiling big enough to split a seam. "Their pancakes are amazing! And they've got tons of different kinds!" He started rambling in his delight at the prospect. "I think maybe I'll have the pineapple coconut, but the spicy apple are my favorite... But then, blueberry's a classic..."

"You try to make up your mind on the way," Hisoka replied. Not that Tsuzuki would be able to. Hisoka wasn't too hungry himself - Tsuzuki would probably try to force whatever he was eating onto him, and that would be enough to last all morning.

Tsuzuki hurriedly fished a spare key out from under his toaster (the original long lost after Avoria) and opened the door, standing aside for Hisoka to go first. "Well, they have Belgian waffles too, for the less sweet-inclined?" he added, very much in the tone of 'you know I'm going to make you eat SOMETHING, so it might as well be something you're willing to eat.'

"They don't have any salads, do they?" Hisoka sighed, already dreading the amount of sugar he was about to consume.

"Yeah..." Tsuzuki said thoughtfully. "But I don't know if they serve anything like that before lunch." He shrugged. "They probably do though."

Hisoka shoved his hands in his jean pockets and walked out the door, taking in the familiar surroundings of Meifu. He almost couldn't believe they were back. Everything was the same, the employee housing, the spring weather.... the cherry trees in full bloom.

The silence was comfortable and continued on for a while. Tsuzuki kept glancing at Hisoka and letting him enjoy the quiet morning. But Tsuzuki can't keep still forever. "I'm almost glad this place doesn't change, for once."

"Mm," Hisoka agreed, staring hard at the sidewalk beneath his feet. He never felt the need to say much when talking with Tsuzuki - his partner usually talked enough for the both of them. Just little acknowledgments now and again.

"Y'know," Tsuzuki continued, too used to Hisoka to be deterred by his subtler responses, "we should probably check in on your place while we're at it. Clean the fridge out and everything. I bet those flowers I brought the last time are nothing but little dried stalks by now." He brushed a fallen sakura petal off his shoulder and wondered aloud, "Maybe we should grab some new flowers before we go."

Hisoka blushed faintly, remembering those flowers, and how much had changed between them since then. Well... not exactly changed. Clarified. "If you'd like," he replied noncommittally. "Though if you're hungry it can wait."

Tsuzuki smiled. "It won't take long. There's a community patch right around the corner. I take care of my landlord's on top of mine as part of my rent."

"... Sure." There was such an earnest look in Tsuzuki's eyes, it made it hard to say no.

Tsuzuki pinched Hisoka's sleeve and tugged gently, beaming as he walked. "I gotta say, the hydrangeas are my prize of the lot. In the peak of summer, they get almost as tall as you! And the flowers are huge, and so fragrant that you can smell them for miles!" He babbled like that as he pulled Hisoka in the right direction. As they rounded the next building, the garden revealed itself, tucked tightly against the building. Small plots were sectioned off by wood partisans somewhat hidden by the soil and mulch. Th general look was nice, and the flowers were well taken care of...except for one lone plot in the back corner. It had no mulch and the soil was leeched of color, and any flowers were now mummified remains. Tsuzki's face fell the minute he saw it. "...My flowers..."

Hisoka wasn't an empath for nothing. Not that you'd need to be one to understand the look of heartbreak on Tsuzuki's face. But Hisoka was also terrible at comforting people. Years of being locked in the cellar with no one to talk to had seen to that. Not knowing what to say, he awkwardly touched a hand to Tsuzuki's arm, looking at the forlorn little garden.

Tsuzuki smiled gratefully at his partner, before staring back at what had once been his pride. "Well," he sighed after a minute, "breakfast it is, I guess. I can take care of this later." And in his mind he resolved to do so, but he couldn't completely get the droop out of his posture. But he tried smiling his best anyway. "Let's get going, I'm starved."

Hisoka was thankful Tsuzuki seemed to perk up a little. "Where did you say it was again?"

"Uhhhhm." Tsuzuki looked around, getting his bearings. "This way!" he pointed confidently. He walked with his hands in his pockets, deep in thought. He tried thinking about everything he'd need to start his flowers over from scratch. He tried calculating the cost, but it didn't matter much, considering he had no money anyway. Ah well. "I'm thinking chocolate chip pancakes." He turned to Hisoka with a cheeky grin. "You have anything in mind?"

Hisoka rolled his eyes. "I'll just have coffee."

Tsuzuki frowned. "You have to eat something. All caffeine and no nutrition does not a meal make." He gentkly poked Hisoka in the ribs to accentuate his point.

Hisoka blushed and batted Tsuzuki's hand away. "I'm not hungry," he replied grumpily.

"But you will be eventually!" Tsuzuki replied, maybe teasing just a bit. "And prevention's better than a cure!

"You sound like you're my mother."

Tsuzuki sighed, giving Hisoka a defeated sort of look. "Just humor me and have something small. Please? I'm not even asking you to have something you don't want."

"No force-feeding me pancakes?" Hisoka asked, raising an eyebrow.

Tsuzuki raised his right hand and placed his left over his heart in a mock oath. "On my honor!" he smiled. "Though I might wave just one forkful in your face."

Hisoka rolled his eyes. "We'll see," he said.

[The two of them arrive at the cafe.]

"But seriously, Hisoka," Tsuzuki contineud nagging as they were seated. "Please have something?"

"Mm..." Hisoka studied the menu. "I suppose toast wouldn't hurt."

Tsuzuki perked up immediately. "Sankyuu, Hisoka~! That wasn't so hard!"

Hisoka rolled his eyes again and took a sip of coffee. Well, it was better than instant. ... Actually, it was pretty good. Hisoka showed his appreciation with slightly raised eyebrows and slow, savoring sips.

Tsuzuki contented himself with people watching as he waited for his pancakes. It was always nice knowing that he and Hisoka could talk about anything, or nothing at all. "Na~, Hisoka. If I get everything ready, d'you want to help me rebuild my garden?"
sakusha: Hisoka put down his coffee. "I've... never gardened before," he replied honestly.

"I'll teach you!" Tsuzuki said enthusiastically. "It's really not hard. I mean, you have to put the plants in during the right season, but we don't really have to worry about that." He laughed a little. "But if you can just help me put them in the ground, it would get done really quickly! You just dig a hole deep enough, put the plant in, cover it back up~" He mimed the actions with his hands, unable to hide his excitement at the prospect. He was sad to lose the flowers he had, but starting over had its perks.

Hisoka leaned his chin on his hand, trying to cover his smile. Tsuzuki was so childish, especially when he got excited about something, and it really was quite... Hisoka forced his expression into neutrality. "As long as we do it on a cool day... sure, why not?"

Tsuzuki grinned. "Awwww, it's no fun without a sunburn by the end of the day!"

"Not unless you think rubbing sunburn cream all over me afterwards is fun."

Tsuzuki blinked and stared, completely taken aback. Then a wicked, mischievous grin slowly spread across his face. "I dunno," he said casually. "I could be convinced."

"What?" Hisoka asked, oblivious of what he'd unwittingly insinuated.

Tsuzuki quickly repressed a laugh, which came out more like a snort, and waved his hand dismissively. "Nothing, never mind. How's your coffee?"

"It's... good..." Hisoka replied, his tone suspicious.

"Good." He was still smirking, he couldn't help it. It was pretty difficult to not laugh, but he was doing his best.

"What?" Hisoka asked again, jabbing Tsuzuki in the arm.

Tsuzuki thought he was cornered, but he was in luck. "Ah, my pancakes!" He let his desire to laugh bleed into the glee he couldn't hide. He picked up his knife and fork and devoured his plate stocked with hot pancakes with his eyes, as if unable to decide where to start first.

"Hmm.." Hisoka gave Tsuzuki a sidelong look before nibbling a corner of toast. "Don't eat too much - you'll make yourself sick."

The pout on Tsuzuki's face was record-setting. "I will not! I never do, for your information. My stomach is specially engineered for sugar!"

"I wonder if your sweet consumption has ever been the subject of office gambling," Hisoka thought out loud.

"What do you mean? ...What would they bet on?"

"How many sweets you could eat in an hour... how late you'd be to work from standing in line for new bakeries... how many different places to buy apple pie in Kyuushuu you could name... I just thought Watari-san would have cashed in on this by now," Hisoka finished with a grin.

Tsuzuki said nothing. He just proceeded to angrily stab his pancakes as he cut them and ate them, glaring at Hisoka the entire time.

"What?" Hisoka said, for the third time. "Tsuzuki..."

Tsuzuki stared evenly at Hisoka for a second. He had taken it seriously. Clearly his playful melodrama was getting rusty. To show there weren't any actual hard feelings, Tsuzuki took a piece of pancake on his fork. He had poured a nauseating amount of syrup on his pancakes, so he did his best to wipe it off on the plate. He then waved the fork at Hisoka, one eyebrow raised as if to say "Well?"

Hisoka sighed. He supposed he deserved this. Gingerly he closed his mouth over the piece of pancake and ate it, quickly washing it down with his bitter, black coffee. "How much syrup did you put on that thing?"

Er. Tsuzuki smiled sheepishly. "...About half the bottle...?"

Just barely, Hisoka cracked a smile.

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