Mar 04, 2006 06:21
Wow, lately it seems like I have been really down, I mean, uterly depressed. I'm not sure what it is but I almost feel like im just missing something in my life. I usually don't let it get to me and try to keep it to myself because, well, who really cares how I feel or not, most people are concerened with themselves, but a couple of days ago, stacked with my depression and a shitty raise this year, I kinda flipped out on my boss at work and it ended up starting a whole line of shit. For the past couple of days i have been having to meet with him and "talk" about shit, and it's starting to piss me off really, and on top of that I'm on probation because I tossed some metal arms down beside me in a way that seemed violent and inapropriate due to my attitude, but if you knew what I was going through, you might just be mad too. On top of that, the stupid fuck had the nerve to walk into work and hand me my writeup BEFORE work, and on a day where I actually came into work in a really good mood, and he went and fucked up my entire week like the Tar-baby he is. So of course, my workday was shot for the most part, and because I didn't have much motivation to be there, my lack of motivation was seeping off onto the other workers there too, and so i got a good idea for a cheer....which just leads me to my next subject!