Portraiture, a reading occurring in April

Feb 24, 2009 10:31

My one-person show, Portraiture, will premiere on April 18th, 2009 at Manhattan Theatre Source. It's a reading for now, but later this year, possibly in September (I'm waiting to hear back from performance spaces), I'll be taking the show on the road. Right now, the definite cities are Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, with tentative plans to hit Chicago, St. Louis, and Toronto. I'd love to go further west, but my budget is limited and I'll be relying on friends to offer up floor space in their lovely homes.

Now that I've gotten ahead of myself, let me tell you about the show itself. It will include the best of my short fiction (that's verse, prose, and scripts) from 2002-2009. It also means you're going to bear witness to heretofore unpublished, unperformed pieces. At April show, I will be reading, but on tour, the pieces will be memorized and more theatrically performed.

With that in mind, the Manhattan Theatre Source show is completely free of charge. It's a test run and a way to get my feet wet, so I'd love for all of you to be there (or tell all your New York-centric friends to be there) and rally me on.

Below is a flyer for the reading (thanks to the staggeringly talented Randolph Pfaff).

I hope to see you in April!

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