Now with more
We had a great time at this year's Comic Con.
The following exciting things happened:
1/A girl came up to my table and said, "I'm a big fan of Itty Bitty Hipster!" And she turned out to be a writer for Bitch Magazine.
2/Jesse was approached to teach sculpting continuing education classes at RISD. I asked if they needed anyone to teach sequential art classes and he said yes, so I e-mailed him last week and am waiting to hear back. Not holding my breath, but it was still pretty awesome.
3/Quite a few people came up to the table who had bought stuff from me last year. And they either wanted more books or they turned out to be groupies. I have actual fans. It's cute.
4/A young man bought a copy of Cleavage on Saturday, then came back on Sunday to say he wanted to direct 'The Crux' for his high school. Adorable.
5/A guy asked me, "Have you ever had a table at MoCCA [Art Festival]?" I told him I had volunteered last year, but couldn't get a table because they were so full. He replied that he thought my work would sell really well there and took one of my cards, saying he'd see what he could do to help me snag a spot. The whole situation prompted me to look into getting a table and I've already submitted my application. Fingers crossed that I'll get in.
6/I sold out of Charlie, including a review copy I gave to a woman who was looking for projects to pitch to Paramount.
There are lots of other cool things that happened, but that last one reminds me that most of the con stuff which occurs rarely pans out to something major. But the attention is nice and will keep me coming back.