It's my birthday in five weeks (well, 5 weeks and 2 days). Weird. It feels like I just had a birthday. I unfortunately will most likely be at work for my birthday this year, not drinking in a hot tub and eating fresh reindeer meat like last year. :|
Nanowrimo progress is plodding lately, as you can see:
16846 / 50000 (33.69%)
Weird plot twist in the Popstar AU I'm working on was very weird, but I am kind of giddy over the overall spin it's put on the plot as a whole. Much, much better. The characters just... work better now.
I will not update you all re: the robot one. It is going... Horrifyingly.
Rex, our bearded dragon, died last week. Here's a picture of him being silly, as was his custom.
Will miss his scaly orange self.
I am working all weekend, and though I would rather stay in bed until my hair has grown out past my feet, I shall head into the retail battle and attempt to make the best of it. My friends are bringing in their golden that I haven't seen since he was 7 weeks (he's like, 16 weeks now). EXCITE.