
Feb 08, 2011 17:51

A have an excess of spare time and lack the motivation to take advantage of it.
It might have something to do with the weather being miserably hot here, unless it's raining, flooding, and the wind threatens to blow you away.
Also an impediment that frustrates me is the inexplicable inability for my laptop to connect to the internet modem at home.
I am only able to access the internet at my boyfriends house... *eyetwitch*
So University is quickly approaching, proving my masochism.
I apparently don't know my own limits, as suggested by the combined Arts/Science degree in which I take three majors.

The first a Bachelor of Creative Arts majoring in Visual Arts.
The second a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Public Relations.
The last a Bachelor of Science majoring in Psychology.

Art is my passion, and Psychology intrigues me. I want to be a psychologist to work in the area of abnormal behaviour. But I have probably mentioned that several times xP I wanna hone my artistic talents, because I would really like for something to come of them... who knows what though.
I was part of a little fundraiser for a new little art gallery in my town, and those that didn't sell are currently hanging in one of their rooms.


So I've doing a bit of an LJ detox which meant my very first F-List Cut.
Basically anyone I never had much contact with or hadn't updated since last year.
I went from 96 to like 63.

As I went through I took note of some of the people that, back when I was super involved in LJ, were a very important part of my LiveJournal life, even if they may not have known it.
I kinda feel like mentioning them now...
So here's a lil' pimping of some wonderful people...

ckll  (Who we all know to be made of awesome), chewableprose  (Who mentioned me in their DNA article, like OMG!), sukiyakiya  (a lovely girl and adorable artist!), willows_misery  (One the first journals I read, one the first friends I made on LJ), mina_e  (Does some amazing manip!art ;D), annabeth  (Always a good read when it comes to fics) vaeltaa  (an early LJ bud who also did some manips for me way back... I still appreciate it), moondropz  (Always lovely, never dial up friendly <3), anastdean  (A very lovely and loyal lady), snowinginjune  (from way back, a very lovely, /resourceful/ gal),bangafewgongs  (Totally apeshit crazy... I Love It!), kaczurda  (probably doesn't realise they are so cool), pseudo_p   (for their regular attendance ;D thanks for the encouragement) ala_tariel  (Not to be out done xP)

There was another thing... there were several people I saw have not been on LJ for quite some time... some of which I have attempted to contact but to no avail. To these folks, I miss you: 120cassie  (You were an increible support some tough times), bhbear06  (always awesome.. there's no debate), justthismorning  (Thanks to you we now have some of the cutest SPN chibis!), selinamoonfire  (dropped from the radar, this makes me sadface), tilly_rose_star  (announced her departure quite some time ago, but it's still a disappointment), nocturniquette1  (Someone I have tried so many times to contact, and goodness I miss her... So so much. Seriously, is anyone still in contact with her?)

There are also some people that in future, when the first chapter of my lil' dojinshi is drawn, inked, and photocopied I would like to send it to. It won't be professionally bound, in fact it will look absurdly amateur but I would like to share it with some nonetheless. I don't expect money for it at all, so if I ask for your address in future don't think I'm scrounging for cash.

Finally, the last part of my detox is that I really wanna get a new layout... the thing is I seem to be having trouble finding anything really.
Is there anyone out there reading this that know how to make layouts? 
Mainly I wanna get an Emilie Autumn layout, but otherwise (and yall would probably be better at directing me to) a Supernatural layout.

So I'm gunna pic!spam some pictures that I wish I had as my header. (I fail >.>)

Okay... All done.
Might see you kids around.

<3 Maxx

life, em, emilie autumn, friends, picspam, supernatural, art

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