My To-Do, Request and Master Post

Aug 18, 2012 21:08

Art to-do

Top!Sam with winged!Dean; bondage themes (request - serendip50 )  ->( NSFW)

Top!Dean; outside in the rain (request)

Impala porn (request) -> ( NSFW)

Demonic!Top!Dean/Beaten!Sam (request - pseudo_p) -> ( NSFW)

Dean/Sam- blowjob in the rain
Dean/Sam- Sam with wings, Dean fucking Sam and pulling on the feathers
Dean/Castiel- demon!Cas is hot and Dean has fun teasing him
Sam/Gabriel- drinking angel!blood
Shmoop; Brother bonding; Dean fantasy Sam and Dean fishing off a dock (mass request krystalicekitsu )

Ruby 1.0; the Queen of Pentacles (Prompt - spn_tarot ) -> ( PG-13)

THE QUEEN OF PENTACLES: Making real a business, altering a work situation, or developing an exercise or health plan.
She's a walking encyclopedia. Any information you want, this woman has it, and as such she can mingle with almost anyone. She can talk science with the scientists, history with the historians, literature with the poets. She knows obscure facts, strange tid-bits, and she seems to love nothing better than to pour it all out, give it away like gifts to help people. In fact this woman is likely to be involved in a job that includes talking: psychology, politics, radio, or information gathering, like the sciences. She absorbs information, and is able to relate it back succinctly, clearly, simply, so everyone can understand and use it; men who aren't threatened by her (and many are!) gather round to listen to her beautiful voice, fascinated. You can always pick out this woman in a crowd as she is always stylish in her own, unique way; almost eccentric in dress. The problem? These queens can be the most "queen-like." Aloof, even cold. They believe the right facts can fix any problem, and will offer that instead of sympathy or warmth. They also like to know everything, and are likely to listen in on conversations, read diaries. Worse, they might well spread what they've learned thinking it will do good. They mean well, but their need to know and solve problems often outweighs other considerations.

Constance Welsh; the Empress (Prompt - spn_tarot) -> ( PG-13)

THE EMPRESS - The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.

"Things We Don't Talk About" (Prompt - spn_xchange) -> ( PG-13)

 Title: Things We Don't Talk About
Author: bewaretheides15
Prompt/Response: PROMPT.
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Weecest (barely, Sam's 17), public sex.
Chapter(s): Oneshot
Word Count: 3350
Summary: An incubus is preying on clubbers and it's up to Sam and Dean to investigate. And then there's porn. Shameless clubfic.
Note: OMG! First post - scary! Anyway, here goes! I've been dying to actually SEE this for a while, so here's hoping it does something for somebody.

Animation; Sexual Identity (Assignment)

image Click to view

Please feel free to make a request. I may not get around to it, but I would love ideas! =D

Also, if anyone wishes to take one of my drawings as inspiration for a fic, I would be so happy. As long as you tell me and credit me (you may use the image) then that's fine.

Note: Non-friends will not be able to open links as all other posts are F-Locked
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