
Jul 06, 2006 01:44


i'm about to watch the last episode. after being mind-raped by episode 25 though, i'm hesitant to go on. AND I KNEW THE ALPHA SQUADRON WAS FUCKED. I JUST KNEW IT. it's so unfair.

anyway, here were my rxns for the past 9 eps (in no particular order):

1) sexy detective = sexy officer of something important = ♥

2) watari being ayato's dad (but is he his biological one?) = A RATHER SMALL WTF

3) quon and ayato's "mom" aka rikudou's "daughter" are twins = A PRETTY BIG WTF

4) itsuki and ayato being twins made from quon = A FANTASTIC HELPING OF WTF

5) the fact that that guy's name is "mamoru" = A SMALL CHUCKLE

6) makoto losing it = TUGGED HEARTSTRINGS

7) makoto shooting random bitch in the eye = SWEET REVENGE

8) itsuki's delayed rxn at makoto getting shot = ALMOST FUNNY BUT NOT REALLY

9) itsuki's martyresque sense of angst = RATHER ENDEARING

10) yagumo's death/elvy's death = T_________________T!!!!!!!!!!! it's just not fair...and is kim pregnant?!!!!!

11) ayato and haruka finally kissing (i never thought i would live to see the day where i'd support a series' main pairing) = ♥ ♥ ♥

12) MEGUMI! = ♥!!!

13) scene where kim tries to shoot rahxephon!ayato = OSCAR-WINNING PERFORMANCE

14) episode 19 = D E V A S T A T I N G

i think most (if not all) of the parallels between rahxephon and evangelion were done on purpose. the end of episode 25 had this gorgeous "red" scene that had to be a total nod to the ending of the end of evangelion.

anyway, i still do not understand what the point/purpose of the foundation is (actually i don't even understand what it means to "tune the world"...heh). and how the dolem-mu thing works (the creature young!makoto found was a dolem, right? so why was the foundation involved with that?). and how the vermillion were made because they look an awful lot like the dolem. and how long quon has been on earth or whatever. and what exactly she is. because if she's been around since 1989...well, maybe they addressed that already--"sleeping beauty" and all that. oh and why/how ayato came to terms with everything felt kinda sudden. i liked how he matured but at the same time, it felt like he was empty or emotionless. or just too mature. it's as if he were the love-child of shinji and kaworu, but with emphasis on the latter. the kid's pretty hot, though so i'm not going to complain =S

ok. *deep breath* i'm gonna tackle the last episode now. i wonder who else they're gonna kill off. ITSUKI? they would, wouldn't they. bastards.

ETA 2:
wow. i actually thought itsuki ended up marrying haruka and i was like "OMG BEST ENDING EVER" because it made it seem like ayato made the ultimate sacrifice. but then i went online and all these websites were saying that that is actually ayato, which kind of disappointed me a bit. the ending was still good, but it's no "kimochi warui." AND SEXY DETECTIVE IS SO MY FAVORITE CHARACTER END OF STORY.

anime, rahxephon, fangirling

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