Contradicting The Security Of Wisdom

May 26, 2007 22:46

I have heard the words of our fathers. I have seen the pain of our mothers. I have listened to the stories of our ancients. You have heard the tales of hearsay. You have spoken the voice of opinions. Quotes have been marked. Events put in stone. Where are the things that are supposed to make sense of it all?
They say that words of wisdom can be given for any situation. There is always something that can be said. But they will also tell you nothing is forever. That everything changes. Given time the situation changes. Given time those words of wisdom will not apply. But yet we still have those words of wisdom. Do they ever change? Then why would someone say with such confidence that everything changes? Or to tell you that nothing is forever?
Contradiction is forever. But it is always changing. The concept exists under the same word. But it is always a different story. To say something is written in stone is just as well as saying that you were influenced by dust. Not everything has to be learned from the substantial, sometimes it is possible to look into the decay.
For every good thing there is a bad thing. For every bad thing you can find some good. Glass half empty? Glass half full? Glass with contents. You don't need to equate things to see what is really there. Sometime you can just take a step back and take more in. Think back for a moment. Take just a moment to think of a tragedy that has afflicted you in life. Anything that you can recall that you saw as something bad. Now can you tell me you have not learned anything at all from that? There is something to be learned from anything and everything that happens. Sometimes it is just too 'simple.' Or it can just be obscure. There will always be something deep. Every piece of wisdom is a root that can be connected to another root which are all connected to a taproot. Even then the taproot is part of something more.
For everything that is said, something else can be said. There is always a contradiction to anything. The contradiction can just as simply be contradicted. Black and white. White and black. Who tells you what is good or bad? What is right and wrong? You had learned somewhere. Or do you simply follow how you feel? What lead you to feel that way? You have changed. You will change.
Have you ever felt feelings explained such as "love?" Have you ever lost something you have felt so much about? Why is that? Feelings don't need an explanation. But neither does anything else. But we can and do give explanations for everything that happens. Why else would there be "words of wisdom?" No one is going to heed what they don't believe. Do you believe things without experiencing it for yourself first? Because then there are no words of wisdom, only wisdom of the past. Do you live autonomously? Or Vicariously? Either way, what I am saying is wrong, but I am no further from wrong than I am from right. There is always something to be said about anything. Whether it has a point is up to you. Even though there is a point to it all. The point is that there is no point, that is the point.
What will you do? Will you listen to learn? Learn to listen? Lead by following? Follow for the sake of leading? Live to die? Dying to live? Who will you be? What you know can be used to make who you are. Who you are is not measured by how much you know. A "smart" person isn't measured by the things they know, but by the way they use their knowledge. Whatever you want, you have to be what you want. In the end, all that you are is all that you do.
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