Jan 31, 2010 23:21
I am sick. And I have 2 exams tomorrow. WHY AM I ALWAYS SICK THE DAY BEFORE EXAMS.
I took my medical application test this morning. It was--not hard, to be frank. But I didn't study, so yeah, I'm not expecting good marks from the science subjects. Physics got me busted, as did chemistry and animal physiology (which would be a pity seeing as I'm retaking the subject). And--yeah, totally slept off the math part/life science part.
I'm sorry. I have a horrible habit of sleeping during exams.
Today is 薮宏太's 20th birthday. 0_______0 he's finally Coming-of-age which means booze and clubs and partying with Akanishi-senpai LOL. Still cannot get over Jin's obsession with Yabu when they were juniors.
Speaking of Jin, I'm liking him (and his bandmates) less with each passing minute. It doesn't help that I don't like the new single well maybe the chorus of Love Yourself, but only because the opeing credits has the main cast dancing to it. But I still like Kame, Junno, and Yucchi. :) Maybe a bit of Koki and Tatchan. But Jin? Ehhh. x[
Keh. I should study now. ^^ Or maybe watch that Gekkan KoyaMaru, where we are all tired of Keichan using Shige in his photos. This one particularly makes me squee because the topic is Love-Love. Even Yucchi is disgusted bored so used to Shige by now. I should also watch the latest Countdown, the one where One Drop and Rescue mess up bigtime.
:sigh: sometimes even I think NewS member-ai exists, if only for Koyama and Shige.
wtf fandom again?,