Oneshot: Onsen

Feb 12, 2010 20:24

Title: Onsen
Pairing: Aiba Masaki and Sakurai Sho
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Smut
Beta: None
x-posted: arashirabu, jent_fanfics
Notes: This story is written for two people. vampyrrep who requested Sakuraiba with the theme of 'stars and onsen and winter porn' and for ariange who request sho/anyone with the theme of 'I found the strangest thing in my pocket'. Hope this won't be a disappointment to you two!

Sho groaned as he sank into the bubbling water at the hot spring. He had taken a few days off to go on a vacation with his family. He was supposed to meet the rest of them at the hotel; however, he didn’t feel like waiting alone in his room. So he had opted for a dip in the onsen. The hot water felt good against his cold skin and as the heat penetrated his body, his muscles started relaxing slowly. Groaning again, he sank lower watching the snow, fall around him on the outdoor pool.

His thoughts reluctantly wandered off and eventually focused on one of his colleagues. A handsome man if he admit and sexy too. Sho’s lips curled into a smile as his salacious mind conjured up images of him undressing the man in his head, revealing the skin an inch at a time. Sho’s fingers involuntarily ran across his slowly rising member and he closed his eyes, groaning again. He wanted nothing more than to touch that imaginary man, caress that imaginary flesh and kiss those ruby red lips thoroughly.

When he heard a splash, Sho’s eyes jerked open and looked around startled, embarrassed at having caught himself in a nearly compromising position in a public area. Ready to apologize for his behavior, he looked around and only found a couple of monkeys soaking themselves in the water. Shaking his head, Sho wrapped a towel around his body and with a chuckle headed to the locker room where he had left his robe.

Finding the locker room empty, Sho relaxed a little, not wanting anyone to see his ithyphallic state imagining a co-worker he had a crush on. Sho sighed softly at the thought of the distance separating them and with longing he hadn’t known before he dried himself. Setting the wet towels in the hamper, Sho quickly pulled on a soft robe provided by the hotel around his body and headed towards the hot springs entrance. Wondering why there wasn’t anyone else present; Sho curled his fingers in his pocket.

He paused briefly as his finger touched an unfamiliar object that he was sure wasn’t present when he entered the onsen. Frowning a little, he pulled the object out and stared at it for a long time, his mind uncomprehending what he was seeing. His jaw dropped opened as the images his mind received finally clicked into place and he squeaked, dropping the picture he was holding. Cursing softly, he picked it up and stared at it again. His eyes scanned the image carefully, taking in the artistically displayed man showing his nude backside. Blinking his wide eyes, Sho licked his lips and stared at the tilted face of the man that looked very beckoning with a come-hither look.

Sho gulped a large amount of air and closed his mouth. He safely tucked away the picture of the man in nude showing off a nice back and toned butt. Sho’s face turned pink with embarrassment as he recalled the come-hither look on the face of the man he has had a crush on for so long. His mind barely registered the words scrawled at the corner of the Polaroid picture that read ‘You want me?’

“Yes…” Sho muttered before shaking his head, “I mean… no… that’s… not possible…”

It didn’t help matters that his already neglected member demanded renewed attention. Groaning softly, wondering where the picture could have come from, Sho headed out of the onsen. He noticed an ‘out of order’ sign placed near the entrance and muttered to himself, “But I was in there… everything seemed fine…”

He spotted a lone hotel employee wiping up some water nearby and he walked over, “Umm… there is a sign at the door saying the springs are out of order, but I was in there until now and everything seemed to be fine. Is there something specific that’s wrong? I was planning on coming by again after dinner, will the problem be dealt with by then?”

The employee spoke softly, setting the mop against the wall, “I can show you where the problem is, if you’re interested.”

Sho shook his head, “T-that’s ok…”

However the employee led the way back into the locker rooms, “the problem is right here … come on.”

Sighing softly, Sho followed, wondering why the voice sounded so familiar, “Uh… really, it’s ok…”

Sho’s words froze in his throat as he felt the employee feel him up, “W-w-what…”

“Seriously Sho-chan, what kind of employee wears a hooded sweatshirt while working? Why would an employer allow his employees to come off as rude and unapproachable?” he giggled, pushing off the hood from his face and revealing the sparkling eyes shining with mischief.

“M-M-Masaki? What are you doing here?” Sho’s last word trailed off into a high pitched squeal as Aiba unknotted Sho’s robe and slipped his hand in to touch the erect member.

Giggling again, Aiba leaned forward kissing Sho’s ear, “I waited for years, gave you so long to come to me voluntarily, but all you do is stare at me all day long thinking I don’t notice. Do you know how many times I have wanted to pull you aside after a photo shoot? Well, no more waiting. It doesn’t look like you’ll make any moves… so I’ll do this all by myself.”

Sho gulped and closed his eyes, sighing in pleasure at the attention Aiba’s hand was providing him with, “But… I thought… you had girlfriends…”

“They were supposed to make you jealous and hurry the process of confession… not drive you away,” Aiba mumbled with a pout, pushing the robe off Sho’s shoulders, revealing a naked and fully attentive Sho underneath, “Nice…”

Sho’s blush spread across his body making Aiba laugh again. Clearing his throat, Sho spoke, “Uh… so… that picture in the pocket?”

“Ohno thought it would propel you. But I didn’t want to take any chances… so, I came to deliver it personally,” Aiba smiled, his fingers circling the head lazily.

Whimpering softly, Sho licked his lips, “It’s not fair that only I’m naked you know…”

Aiba’s face lit up at the statement, “Does that mean you want me?”

Groaning softly, Sho grasped Aiba’s fingers around his member and guided Aiba to stroke him in a jerky motion, “If you can’t tell that by now, we will not get anywhere tonight…”

With a delighted squeal Aiba tore at his clothes like a kid on a Christmas morning. It took him a few precious moments to stand naked in front of Sho and be admired. They touched their fingers tentatively before wrapping their arms around each other in a passionate embrace. Their lips nuzzled each other before parting for their very first kiss, following years of pining after each other and imagining the taste.

Aiba giggled once and murmured against Sho’s lips, “Your lips taste salty.”

“I-it’s all that soaking I did,” Sho protested, but Aiba had gone back to devouring those salty lips. They strained against each other and moaned mutually as their hard members clashed and ground against each other. When they came up for air, their fingers grabbed at each other’s backsides and pulled themselves closer, not wanting to let even air get in between them. They were so focused on each other and their needs that they didn’t really care where they were. When they stumbled against a bench in the locker room, Aiba squeaked and fell backwards, hitting his back against the hard cold floor, pulling Sho on top of him.

They groaned softly and opened their eyes slowly. The spark in each other’s eyes let them know that they were not going to be deterred from achieving their goal tonight, which at that moment was mutual satisfaction. Sho thrust his hips against Aiba eliciting a pleasured moan, making Aiba grip Sho’s arms, “Please, I’ve waited for this for so long, don’t make me wait any further…”

Sho kissed along Aiba’s chest, making the taller man mewl and grind their hips again. Smirking in satisfaction at Aiba’s need, Sho looked up and into the younger man’s eyes, “We should try to get back to my room… I don’t have anything on me…”

Aiba let out a soft laugh and shook his head. He stretched his arm and pulled his discarded sweatpants closer, “Don’t worry, I came fully prepared… for any situation…”

With a triumphant cry, Aiba pulled out two packets - one containing what looked like an exotically wrapped condom and the other containing lube. Sho tore open the packet of lube and coated his fingers with the liquid thoroughly. When he saw how expectant Aiba’s look was, Sho smiled and nudged his partner’s legs further apart before proceeding to prepare the other man thoroughly. Aiba was once again reduced to a quivering mass, begging Sho to fill him completely.

“I will, I will,” Sho muttered and ripped open the other packet and rolled the condom over himself. Aiba watched with glazed eyes as the ribbed condom covered Sho completely and whimpered as he watched Sho guide himself towards Aiba’s entrance. Their moans were lost to each other as Sho entered Aiba very carefully, stretching the other man slowly and letting him adjust to the feel of Sho inside him.

Their eyes met when Sho filled Aiba completely and they paused trying to catch their breaths, feeling complete and at peace for that moment, before Aiba wrapped his legs around Sho’s waist and pulled him closer, urging him to continue. The slight movement unleashed a storm of pent up emotions in Sho and he snapped his hips, causing Aiba’s eyes to nearly roll in his head. Their eyes never left each other as they rocked together, enjoying and watching the pleasure that crossed each other’s faces.

Sho was the first to go and he arched his back thrusting into his lover one final time before releasing himself into the condom. Aiba’s hand wrapped around his own member as he watched Sho’s face twist in pleasure and he jerked himself twice before moaning his own pleasured response at his climax.

Panting softly, they stared at each other as Sho reluctantly pulled out of Aiba’s body. When a snowflake fell on Aiba’s nose, they both looked at it surprised. Aiba wiped the flake away and they looked around, finally aware of their surroundings. They were lying not far from the entrance to the outdoor onsen. The snow was falling heavily now and a thick layer of it was covering the path to the bubbling pool. The night sky was dark and some brave twinkling stars peeked from under a heavy cloud cover, witnessing their consummation of lust. The cold finally penetrated their thoroughly satisfied brains and they burst out into giggles.

“I’m cold,” Aiba mumbled, grabbing a towel and cleaning himself before pulling on his clothes. He helped Sho with the robe and they unlocked the locker room door. They peered out to find that no one was in the hall and removing the ‘out of order’ sign and setting it aside, they walked out as calmly as they could.

“Masaki, what is your room number?” Sho asked, his cheeks turning pink.

“Ah, I haven’t yet booked a room,” Aiba mumbled.

“Umm… I was supposed to meet my family for dinner half an hour ago. If you don’t mind… you could…” Sho began inviting Aiba to have dinner with him.

“Oh, I would love to share your room Sho-chan! Go have your dinner,” Aiba winked and whispered in Sho’s ear as they reached Sho’s room, “I’ll be waiting for you right here… for round two.”

Sho’s mouth moved, but no words came out. He simply nodded, showered and dressed himself for dinner. Throughout dinner, Sho felt jittery, wanting to finish the meal as soon as possible and get back to his room where Masaki had promised a delicious second round for dessert. Catching up with family will just have to wait for another day.

[The End]

Critiques? I welcome them!

l: oneshot, r: nc-17, g: smut, p: sakuraiba

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