Series: Possession (2)

Feb 09, 2010 12:10

Title: Possession
Chapter: 2
Pairing: (1) Aiba Masaki and Sakurai Sho
(2) Aiba Masaki and Matsumoto Jun (hinted)
(3) Ninomiya Kazunari and Ohno Satoshi
Genre: Romance, AU
Rating: PG-13
Beta: laurachan2, kos_mos26
x-posted: arashirabu, jent_fanfics
Notes: This is to fulfill camaronzin's request of a Yakuza Arashi. Depending on how the story goes, this might also fulfill mm_nani's request of being hesitant and conflicted about being gay.

It was noisy, as one would expect of lunch hour in a school. The chatter from various groups of students buzzed around amicably. The lunch line was long and students were pushing each other to get the last few remaining stuffed breads. The shrill screams of a group of girls carried over the general buzz and brought several conversations to a halt briefly.

Running feet pounded on the floor as two students ran down the corridor and the cafeteria. Their footsteps could barely be heard as the students resumed their activities. It wasn’t out of the ordinary to see guys running after each other. The student running ahead paused briefly as he reached the end of the hallway and looked around frantically before diving into the empty chemistry lab.

The student chasing him ran in as well and stopped at the door, eyes scanning the room, searching for his target. His heavy breathing sounded eerily loud in the silent room. He walked in slowly, catching his breath when he heard a minute clink coming from the far end of the lab. With a smirk on his face, he walked confidently to the back and loomed over his target, “Take back what you said.”

“Absolutely not! She is a whore who would do anything to get control over what she wants. Everyone knows that! Just because you think she is a goddess does not make her one Sakurai!” the student yelled, panic setting in and coloring his voice.

Sho’s scream of rage could be heard beyond the lab and several students had already begun to gather at the doorway. Whispers of a fight in the lab had spread around the school like wildfire on a dry day. By the time the teachers heard about it, fists were flying at each other in the lab.

“She is a good, kind-hearted person. She has never done anything to you!” Sho yelled as his fist connected to his opponent’s jaw.

The student fell down sprawled on his back, knocking down a trashcan containing broken glassware. Taking his chance, the fallen student grabbed a broken test tube and pointed it at Sho, “Don’t come any closer, or else…”

“Or else what? I’m not letting you go until you apologize!” Sho growled taking another step closer.

“No! She cheated my father out of his money!”

Sho let out a snort and rolled his eyes. He grabbed the student’s shirt collar and pulled him up, “That wasn’t her fault. It was your father’s fault. Who told him to be stupid about his finances? Who told him to go gamble on horse races?”

“Break up!” an authoritative voice demanded from the doorway. They could hear footsteps getting closer, but neither moved.

In one desperate attempt, Sho’s opponent closed his eyes and swiped the sharp end of the broken test tube at Sho, yelling, “It wasn’t my father’s fault!”

Sho let go of the shirt and blinked. He didn’t feel the pain immediately. He could hear the gasps from the students and teachers alike and he was confused for a second. His vision in one eye turned red and everything looked confusing for a few seconds before he lost consciousness. When he woke up, he was at a local hospital. His left eye was bandaged and he looked around his surroundings confused.

Wincing softly he sat up and blinked his unharmed eye, “How the hell did I end up here?”

“You fainted after seeing blood,” a voice informed him from the other side of the room.

“I didn’t faint at seeing blood! My mind couldn’t cope with the… pain,” Sho mumbled as his friend sat down on a chair beside the bed, “but how did I get here Satoshi?”

“The nurse said the cut was too deep and so the school sent you to the hospital. I was allowed to skip school and be with you,” Satoshi smiled, “But why would you go after that guy anyway?”

Sho scowled and winced again, “He called Ohno-mama a whore. I couldn’t let him go without apologizing for that insult!”

Satoshi sighed softly, “Sometimes, you make me think that you love my mother more than I do.”

“I admire and respect her. If not for her, I probably wouldn’t be here right now. After my parent’s death she was kind enough to take me in and raise me. She even sent me to the same schools as you since I came to your household,” Sho mumbled, his cheeks turning pink, “I can’t let anyone insult such a kind lady.”

“But, if she wasn’t in this business, no one would have the need to insult. It’s just part of everyday life,” Satoshi shrugged, reaching for a bottle of water.

“It’s not fair to insult her when she isn’t at fault. It isn’t her fault that people are stupid and fell victims to their own loose morals and vice. It isn’t the clan’s fault if people’s greed knew no bounds and they become addicted to drugs and gambling. I will always defend her honor proudly because she does what needs to be done to keep the clan tight,” Sho grumbled, a frown forming across his forehead.

“Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard this part of the speech since middle school. Why don’t you get some sleep now? The doctor said once the painkillers wear off the pain will set in. Sleep is supposed heal you faster and help you cope with the pain,” Satoshi mumbled, “I’ll go back and let mom know that you’ll be fine.”

The scar over his eye remained as a trophy from the fight. The student responsible for it was expelled and Sho’s name incited fear in the hearts of the students. Over the years, Sho had accumulated several scars over his body defending Ohno-mama’s honor. He never balked at his opponent, regardless of who they were. The younger members of the clan regarded Sho as their leader and the elders watched him grow each day.

Sho grew in the organization quickly, in rank and power, under the guidance of a few elders. They taught him the key to the business and how to keep everything under control. Therefore, it was no surprise when rumors surfaced once in a while that Sho would be the next chief instead of Satoshi - who had a right to it.

“I bet they’ll make Sakurai the next clan chief very soon,” one of the guards whispered on a cold night.

“You think? Won’t that go against the tradition? Satoshi has the rightful claim to the title,” his companion lit a cigarette and rubbed his cold palms together.

“Maybe, but some of the elders have been Sakurai’s teachers. I heard they might even be thinking about changing the tradition, whether the chief likes it or not,” chimed in another.

“Who would you support if it came down to it? Sakurai-sama or Ohno-sama?” asked the first guard.

“That will be a tough choice,” the second guard blew out the smoke and paused as his eyes landed on Sho watching them from a few feet away. Putting out the cigarette, he stood up hastily, “Sakurai-sama…”

“Get back to your duties,” Sho mumbled walking inside. He was secretly pleased about the rumors, no matter how untrue they might be. Ohno-mama loved Satoshi too much to let a stranger take over her place. He’d probably be Satoshi’s advisor and run the place from behind the scenes, but he knew he’d never rise to the top, unless something changed drastically to rupture tradition.

And something drastic did happen the next day. Ohno-mama suffered a mild stroke and had to be taken to the hospital. Satoshi stayed until the doctor came to reassure him that his mother would be fine. At Sho’s insistence, Satoshi finally went home to get some much need sleep. Sho went to the flower shop on the first floor and bought a bouquet of lilies and brought them back to the lady’s room.

He arranged them neatly on a vase sitting on the bedside table. Smiling at his own artwork, Sho sat down waiting for Ohno-mama to wake up. Hours later, when the fragrance of the lilies permeated the room, Ohno-mama stirred and opened her eyes. The first person she saw was Sho, peering down at her with a worried expression on his face, “Ah, you’re finally awake. I’ll go get the doctor and inform Satoshi as well.”

Two days later, when Sho was visiting Ohno-mama at her hospital room, she cleared her throat and arranged the blankets over her legs carefully. Sho watched her patiently and when she was done fidgeting, she looked up at Sho, “The elders and I have come to a decision.”

Sho remained silent at the seriousness of her tone and simply nodded his head. Ohno-mama continued, looking away from Sho’s face briefly, “I have brought you up like a son. I taught you the same things I taught Satoshi. I never thought Satoshi would stray from the code and vile away his time on fishing, painting and women.”

Licking his lips, Sho gingerly sat down on the chair next to the bed, not wanting to correct the fact that women were never in the picture around Satoshi and it was just one man occupying Satoshi most of the time. However, that would reflect badly on his friend because being with a man was going against the code. So, Sho maintained his silence and let her speak, “So, I believe it is time we moved away from the tradition of passing on the responsibility of the clan to the first born to someone capable. My daughter has no objections to it and neither do the elders. We’ll observe the progress you and Satoshi make individually over the next year. The clan chief title will be passed on to whoever has the best performance.”

Sho couldn’t say anything to the offer. His dream was being offered to him on a platter; but he knew the offer came with conditions. If he took the offer, he wasn’t sure how Satoshi would react. He may look passive and smiling to outsiders, but he grew up with the man since they were children. Sho knew the older man’s heart and desires; and Satoshi wanted to take over the clan after his mother’s retirement.

Taking a deep breath, Sho bowed, “Mama, this is a very big responsibility. Please give me a few days time to think it over.”

“Very well, take your time. I want an answer by sundown on Saturday,” she replied closing her eyes. Sho bowed again and took his leave silently. He missed the glances the two guards outside the hospital room gave him as he left the room. By the time Sho reached his office, word of the possibility of Sho becoming the next chief had traveled.

Sho had barely walked into his office when Satoshi burst into the room. Sho blinked at the rage he saw in his friend’s eyes, “Satoshi?”

“How dare you? I never thought you’d be the kind to backstab me!” Satoshi growled, an accusing finger pointed at Sho.

“I think you’ve got it wrong,” Sho mumbled loosening his tie.

“What have I got wrong? Did my mother summon you to her room today or not?” Satoshi demanded. Before Sho could answer, Satoshi continued, “Did she say she wouldn’t mind breaking the traditions for you? Did she not offer you the position of the clan chief?”

Each question that came out of Satoshi’s mouth raised his voice an octave. He curled his lips in disgust and shook his head at Sho, “I never should have allowed you to stay in. If I knew back then that you’d covet what is rightfully mine, I’d have never let you in! Watch your back Sho… I’ll not go easy on you because we grew up together. I’ll take what should have always been mine!”

Sho was left speechless as Satoshi stalked out of the office. He hadn’t even made his decision yet and Satoshi had decided that they were competing. When all was said and done, Sho was going to decline the offer and instead ask to be appointed as Satoshi’s right-hand man. But with this new turn of events Sho didn’t believe he had an alternative left but to accept Ohno-mama’s offer.

At sundown on Saturday, Sho visited the chief’s hospital room. The room was already filled with the elders awaiting his answer. Satoshi sat glumly to one side and glared at Sho as he entered the room. Closing the door behind him quietly, Sho bowed to Ohno-mama and the elders before taking a seat.

“Have you decided?” the chief spoke softly.

Sho glanced in Satoshi’s direction once and was given a cold shoulder. Sighing softly, Sho nodded his head, “Yes.”

“What is it?” one of the elders asked.

“I’ll gratefully accept this challenging offer you’ve presented me with,” Sho spoke clearly, his voice ringing loudly in the silent room. As soon as the words left his mouth, Sho felt an elation he hadn’t in a long time.

“Good. In that case, both the candidates are in agreement to this offer. We’ll observe the progress over the next year and decide who is suitable to take on the responsibility of the clan chief. Sho will be in-charge of banking and Satoshi will be in-charge of the fish market,” Ohno-mama spoke looking the two candidates.

Satoshi’s eyes went wide, “Fish market! What the hell can I do with a fish market?”

The chief raised an eyebrow at her son, “You decide. I’ll have a detail on both of you from now and follow your every move. One of the elders will meet with you periodically to get an update on your business.”

Satoshi fumed at his mother, “This is not fair. Sho gets the lucrative end of the business while I have to muck through fish guts!”

“If nothing else, then this meeting has concluded,” she said and pulled up her blankets.

With no other choice left, Sho and Satoshi left the room, leaving the elders to discuss other matters with the chief. Satoshi threw a dirty glance at Sho before walking away in the opposite direction with his men trailing behind him. Sho’s mind was going over the facts and he sighed softly. Satoshi may think that he got the short end of the stick, but really if Satoshi had paid attention to the elders when they were being taught, he’d have remembered that the fish markets were ripe with their men.

The fish are used as a cover for smuggling in rare, priceless and sometimes antique artifacts. But he knew it wouldn’t be long before Satoshi realized this, so he had to make his move early on in the game.

“Banking…” Sho muttered, a smirk crossing his lips, “What a nice respectable name to hide behind while dealing with loans and lowlifes. Imai get me the files on our esteemed clients tonight. I’d like to go over them in detail,” Sho smiled at the man walking next to him.

As he walked away the two guards posted outside the hospital room muttered to each other. One of them looked around carefully and spoke in a whisper, “I have no idea who to support at this point. If we put all our cards on Satoshi and Sho becomes the chief, we’re screwed and the same goes the other way.”

The other guard nodded his head in agreement; “I’d rather stay out of this power struggle and pledge my allegiance to the winner when this is all over.”

Days turned to weeks and weeks into months. Each had made tremendous progress in his section of business. Each had avoided being assassinated by the other’s men and foiled plans of sabotage. They gave their reports to whichever elder happened to call them in.

Five months into the year, Sho sat at a kotatsu and accepted the tea poured by the waitress. Taking a careful sip of the hot liquid, Sho set the cup down and looked up at the man in front of him, “The report…”

The man held up his hand, “No need. I’ve observed you very closely and I’m pleased with what you’ve done. The profits are steady and you’ve learned a lot in how to deal with the clients. I’m very pleased indeed. I called you here because the elders are divided on this matter. Some oppose the idea of appointing an outsider to the position. They want the tradition upheld. Some of the elders however, like me, firmly believe that you’ve what it takes to bring the clan into the modern age. So, please watch your back. Some of the attempts on your life may not be coming from Satoshi.”

Sho’s eyes went wide at the news, “I see…”

Before Sho could continue, there was a knock on the private room they were dining in. The waitress opened the door and bowed to the men, “You’ve a visitor.”

Ohno-mama walked in regally and with a nod to each man in the room, she took a seat at the kotatsu, “I’d like to have a word Sho.”

The man bowed to his chief and took his leave, “I’ll be on my way now.”

When they were left alone, Ohno-mama turned to Sho and smiled, “I’ve heard of your progress and I’m very happy about it.”

“Thank you mama,” Sho mumbled pouring her a cup of tea.

“Sho, I believe it’s time to move in on the Yamamoto clan,” Ohno-mama accepted the tea and with a smile sipped it slowly, “They’re starting to grow arrogant since they took control of some big corporations. I want to destroy them from the inside. You are the right person for this task.”

Sho looked up surprised, “Me? How so?”

“The Yamamoto clan firmly believes that only men can take over the position of chief. Yamamoto has a single daughter and no sons. Whoever marries the daughter will obviously be the next Yamamoto clan chief without a doubt,” she smiled, her lips curling in pleasure.

When her meaning sank in, Sho licked his lips, “You want me to marry the daughter and take control of their clan?”

“You’re such an intelligent man Sho. I don’t need to explain things in detail to you. I knew you’d catch my drift,” her laughter pervaded the room and she set the empty cup down, “I’ll be following your progress more closely now. I want that clan eliminated.”

She walked out of the room, leaving Sho speechless. He knew she loved her son too much to give control of the clan to an outsider like himself. But a small kernel of hope had buried itself deep in his heart when he had attended that meeting with the elders in that hospital room five months ago. Sighing softly, he paid for the tea and walked into the cold night. By the look of it, if he failed this mission, he would not only not get the coveted position of chief, but Satoshi would surely not let him live in peace; however, if he were to be caught by the Yamamoto clan members, he’d lose his life without a doubt. If by chance he manages to enter the Yamamoto clan and take control, Ohno-mama is definitely going to argue that since he had one clan’s responsibilities, it is only fair that Satoshi get control of the Ohno-clan. No matter how he looked at it, Sho could see that Ohno-mama had set him up to lose.

Groaning at his misfortune, Sho tossed and turned in his bed without sleep that night. Seeing no other option, he took the train the next morning and headed to Chiba where the Yamamoto clan headquarters were located. He and his men stood out in the train and people averted their eyes, afraid that any eye contact would get them bullied.

It came as a surprise when he found himself being pulled on the busy platform. He waved a hand at his men and watched the young man who had pulled him give an elaborate explanation to three people animatedly. Sho looked down at his arm where the other’s fingers were digging in desperately. Taking a deep breath, he smiled amusedly at the group, before recognizing Yamamoto. Keeping a tight lid over his emotions he watched Yamamoto fan the lady who screamed and fainted. Sho was far too amused by the story the man beside him was spinning to protest or correct him. When the three left them behind - Yamamoto too busy with his precious daughter in his arms to notice the visible tattoos of the Ohno clan on the arms of his men - Sho smiled patiently at the man next to him. When the man finally realized the mistake he made, Sho couldn’t help but grin at how pale he turned. He tilted his head to the side and watched the man bow, apologize and then run to the nearest ticket counter.

Grasping at the lifeline thrown at him, Sho turned to the guards, “You heard the man … he is my lover. You can go back and report to the boss that I won’t be marrying into the rival clan to take over their holdings. However, I can’t guarantee the safety of the person who reports back saying I’m gay.”

“S-Sakurai-sama,” one of the guards mumbled behind him, “What are we supposed to inform the boss?”

“Tell her that I’ve a lover … but if I hear rumors that say I’m gay, your head will be decorating my living room,” Sho informed the man politely before walking away, “Assure her the Yamamoto holdings will be in our control soon.”

With a smile on his face, Sho’s curious mind prodded, ‘Wonder who that man was.’

[To Be Continued]
[End of Chapter 2]


l: series, g: au, r: pg-13, p: sakuraiba, p: ohmiya, p: aimoto, g: romance

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