Title: Shimmering Blue
Pairing: Jaemin (main)
Genre: AU, supernatural/fantasy/non-human, angst, romance
Warning: underage-went-wrong, WTFs, minor torture/violence, possible annoying!min, angst and sap
Rating: PG-NC-17/R
Until some springs ago he still enjoyed being enveloped by the current or
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I still think Changmin is younger then Jaejoong. Just saying.
The boys need a bonk over the head. No teasing about Jae and Min being gay. Otherwise I will beat you with something, okay? ^^
I don't know if I should hit Jae for accidentally hurting Min or understanding because he didn't know that he needed to be careful with Min.
And I nearly cried at the end of the chap (okay, that's a lie. But I did feel a bit chocked up). And I screamed at the screen and kinda told Min to be okay....
But now everything makes so much more sense (didn't I tell you it would?) Min needs a hug. He needs a big gigantic hug and one of those ice cream thingies.
and normally this would be the time in a series I would start making up theories, but in all honesty, I kinda can't see what mysteries there are (except for the Junsu flashback last chapter, but I'm pretty sure that that's Yoochun, so...) well, I'll just sit back, relax and... enjoy the ride? Unless there's something I need to theorise, then it's *get's out glasses and detective notebook and stuff.* kidding, I don't really have those. Well, I do have glasses but...
okay, I just mega rambled and maybe freaked you out so... yeah.
I think min is younger too (his body) though no one knows for sure xD and there's no mystery in this story, some unrevealed fact yeah, but nothing mysterious... oh if only I'm more mischievous xD
*hands you magnifier loop* xD
well it's gotta be a mystery, if YOU don't know... seeing as you're.. you know, the author?
no mystery, nothing that I need to find
*takes magnifier loop* why thank you
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