Title: Shimmering Blue
Pairing: Jaemin (main)
Genre: AU, supernatural/fantasy/non-human, angst, romance
Warning: underage-went-wrong, WTFs, minor torture/violence, possible annoying!min, angst and sap
Rating: PG-NC-17/R
Until some springs ago he still enjoyed being enveloped by the current or
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I need concentration to read this xD *hugs you tight for updating* *smooch*
ahhhh....smut!!!!!! You keep your promise about full of Jaemin ne??? I looovveeee it... :D
and..and.. it was THEIR first time *dancing happily* lol
JJ was the one who 'corrupt' my Min, huh?? I'm happy, I'm happy... :)
“I need that stupid, needy boy who tailed me a lot, who knew nothing about everything-“
“…who gawked at everything and ate bubbles…”
Changmin is such a cutie ;>
“I will… one day, I will disappear, I will leave you… “
This line broke my heart... How could you make them separated??? No, it won't happen right??? Please, please... *sobbing with tears*
hmm.... according to my cruel heart is.... hm... mihihihi
*If you really did, I'll make sure 'something' happen* hahaha XD
You make me happy though, since it's always not their first time in the last fics ;>
(Min didn't in The Reunion and Jae didn't in Scut Hamsters)
did u get what I mean??? lol
ah, wtv,,... waiting for the next chappie :)
you really like innocent kiddies shedding innocence do you.
*accuse you* PEDO!!
please use your imagination, hun.. :P
I'm not PEDO!!!! *accuse you back*
but, but... isn't it good to have an innocent one?? hwakhwakhwak... *winks*
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