
Feb 26, 2010 06:35

Scene: The inside of a cozy living-room, warmly lit by stylish lamps while a dark gloom is visible outside the windows; focus should be on a matching sofa, armchair, and coffee table center-stage. The furniture may either be antique plush or modern leather, as long as it looks comfortable and inviting.

During seating, BASIL sits in the armchair, hands clasped in front of him. He fidgets from time to time, glancing at his watch, or crossing and un-crossing his legs. He's anxious about something. After the house lights dim and the show begins, a knocking sound comes from off-stage, startling Basil.

(standing and straightening his formal clothing)
Come in.

Enter PEPPER from SL, dressed in a long jacket and folding an umbrella.

Sorry I'm late. The weather's absolutely dreadful out there.
(she sets her umbrella against the back of the chair and pulls off her jacket, revealing a short evening gown.)
I didn't keep you waiting too long?

(distracted at first, then more solidly:)

(folding her jacket and draping it over the arm of the sofa)
But you sound so rushed. I would have come sooner if I knew you were so eager to get down to business, dear.

Pepper does a slow walk toward Basil, wiggling her hips as she does. She readies herself to straddle Basil's legs, but he stands abruptly and turns away from her before she can, offending Pepper.

What are you--

I'm sorry. I didn't call you here for that. Quite the opposite, actually. We can't do this anymore.

(stares at Basil for a moment, then deliberately fetches her jacket)
You dragged me all the way across town in the rain just to break it off.
(not a question, but an accusation; she's furious)

(trying to lighten the mood)
It seemed a bit rude to just text the news to you.

It seems a bit rude to have wasted my time at all. Do I even get a reason, or are you just bored with me?

No! It's just... I think she's starting to get suspicious. It's too risky to continue like this. I can't get caught. I just can't!

(she stops midway through putting her jacket back on, considering staying)
What are you so afraid of? (dryly) Half the fun of an affair is the possibility of ruining everything. You went in knowing the risks.

I know I did. And now I want to get out. If she found out...
I just don't want to hurt her.

(loud, mirthless laughter; jacket goes on)
Yet you have no problem tossing me aside like an old newspaper! I'm glad you don't see me as a human being with emotions of my own. Just your left hand with tits attached. Is that right?

Of course not!

Then tell me: how do you feel about me? |


There's been such an aura of negativity around the school since Valentine's Day. It seems rather extreme for a few bitter singles or unrequieted crushes. Or perhaps I'm projecting my own mood onto the rest of the school.

Predisposed to be malicious... I suppose it is true. Why fight one's own nature? I forgot how good it feels to vent all my frustration out on somebody like that. I know he won't tell anybody... Yet there are those snoops who will end up finding out one way or another, just like before. If word ever gets back to Flint...

No, I've had my chance. More accurately, I never had one. The only one whose judgment matters is Master, and nobody would know how to contact him. I've got nothing to worry about.

I suppose I'll never be a respectable woman after all.


How troubling! I was hit by a sudden wave of inspiration, and as I sat down to write I was just as quickly hit by writer's block. I suspect it's been a menace to anyone who's put pen to paper at some point or another. Some people are lucky enough to have ways to get past it rather quickly... I don't suppose anyone has a method they find works well enough? Of course, every mind is different, but it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot.

Raiden, would you mind giving it a look over and see what you think? I have a hunch that you might be familiar with the subject matter, so you may have an idea of where it should go. ♥ It would be much appreciated.

pokemon, scriptwork, dramadrama

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