Sep 29, 2005 03:21
I just went out for a smoke. It is exactly one hour after my last post. Coincidence?
I did a lot of thinking while outside. I did a lot of feeling while outside. It brought back memories, good meories. It brought me to a feeling of nature. I could feel the power of the storm. I could feel the power of the wind as it blew on my hoodie. I heard the windows, as they violated themselves against the shingles.
I could feel the power, and I could only feel remorse in knowing that this is a mere fraction of what others have felt. I could feel nothing but sympathy. I could feel nothing but empathy. A flower pot lay toppled in the middle of my lawn. This is the flower of justice, this the flower of democracy, this is the flower of righteousness. This is THE flower. Withered. Worn.