
Jun 18, 2011 20:52

was for sd_ldws week 4

The prompts were:
Genre/Cliché: Sci-fi
Prompt: Phaser
Word Count: Up to 400

Title: Fleet Trooper
Author: [info]umbrahikari
Warning(s): language, man/machine squick
Summary: Fleet Lieutenant Daniel Williams has been forcefully assigned a new type of partner.

"Williams don't start with me. I don't want to hear how you only used a stun gun to subdue your target or how you kept your Phaser settings to low so no civilians would be harmed. Just stop. I've heard all of your excuses before." Captain Jameson sat down heavily in her command chair, leaning back to fiddle with some controls on its armrest. "For the purpose of reigning your recklessness I will be assigning you a new partner, The Fleet is going to be testing a new unit of 'droid and you will be testing one of their first Partners." To punctuate the Captain's statement in walked a surprisingly human simulacrum; It or rather He, at least he was quite sure it was male, had ridiculously blue orbits. Not to mention the body proportions were quite muscular in appearance.

"Congratulations Lieutenant on the upgrade. Dismissed."

Daniel turned sharply on his heels and marched through the main bridge's doors on pure reflex and not until the continued feel of a presence behind him did he pause outside his quarters only to be met face to face with his new 'Partner' who had followed him.

"Uh did you need to discuss something with me," and here Daniel had to flounder on what to call the 'droid, "partner?" He walked in to his room and gestured for the droid to come inside.

"I am to be your Partner from now on and thus must accompany you at all times." His hands flew up at this statement, the droid couldn't seem to stop following their movement as he continued to speak.

"Wait wait all the time? Even during my downtime?"

"Yes part of my biomechanics require that I have periods of symbiotic 'rest' with a similar organism."

"How similar an organism are we talking, couldn't you spend this symbiotic 'rest' with lets say in the bio-dome or in the lounge with the other officers?"

"It requires a period of non-functioning time where a percentage of my skin must be in contact with another human's skin as my baseline DNA is that of a human."

"So you are human . . . what exactly should I call you, I can't just shout droid or partner every time I need to address you."

The droid paused and seemed to think over his next statement carefully. "You can call me S.T.E.V.E."

steve, danno, hawaii five-0, steve/danno

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