Harry Potter: will you marry me?

Jul 11, 2007 19:06

*laughs*... okay... I'm not THAT sad... well maybe... :P

Anyway... yes I saw Harry Potter 5 today and I thought it was BRILLIANT!! My God, although it wasn't one of my favourite books (364512), it's definitely my favourite movie! (54123)... hmm I wonder what those numbers are? Hehe, they're not that difficult to understand.

Anyway... where to start... maybe the beginning of the movie? To be honest, it wasn't the best of opening sequences. What I thought was the opening sequence wasn't it at all... that was later in the movie. But, where Harry was sitting on the swing being 'harrassed' by Didley-dumpkin's gang, I think the shooting was a bit bad. I've just become too perceptive of camera these days (curse you Moving Images!) Like, I know it was for effect but it pissed the hell out of me that Dudley's eyes were SMACK-BAM in the centre of the screen. But, a bad beginning can mean one of two things: the movie's gonna be crap or that it can only get better from here.

Take the latter. The dementors looked different, but *shudder* they were super creepy! And and... MRS FIGG!!!! She finally makes an entrance! Albeit for like 2 scenes but nonetheless!

Fudge is a different person AGAIN (I think...) No matter... Umbridge! Argh! She was beautiful! Like, she was so well acted that I was actually sticking my rude finger up at her and Lozza was pulling my hand going "it's a movie, Mandy. Your finger won't make much difference." The cow! (<- referring to Umbridge, not Lozza)The bitch! The every-word-that-I'd-use-to-describe-Lyssy! (hopefully, certain people won't read that comment) Yunno the scene where she makes Harry write lines in his own blood? Omg... yuck! It looked like it was etched into his skin... like really etched, not makeup!

Hm... Harry... like I said, will you marry me? God, he was hot... I know that any of my friends who read this (and the 2nd before this post) will be like "Mandy was checking out guys? Who are you and what have you done with Mandy?" But he was so good... and he made me cry... at the end.. but cross that bridge when we come to it.

Ooh! What I really liked about this movie was the emotional level. According to some reviews I read, the emotional level was that of Ron's (ie, that of a teaspoon) but I beg to differ. Like, I felt it really easy to sympathise with Harry feeling alone and angry. Just because of the music and the camera angles. Ooh! and the way they showed his dreams and his memories was bloody brilliant! It wasn't like a whole dream at once, it was flashes and then Harry in his bed, and then another flash. Like, it wasn't consistent. It was jolty and stabby and quick. For such scary dreams as his, it was like pinnaclely (if that's a word) displayed.

Hermione, however, could have done a better job. She was really- for lack of a word- bleh. I mean, it wasn't as if I could see right through her character, it was like she went in and out of being super emotional and being a tree! Ron was pretty good... can't wait to see him making out with Lavendar. Harry's kiss scene with Cho could have had a bit more tongue. Shut up! They were like "come together, go apart, come together, go apart"

Um... Ooh... Another thing that was awesome was the way they showed the newspapers! They like flew threw newspapers, zooming in on pictures,etc. I mean, it's pretty old-school, but it's effective!

Bellatrix was scary. I actually wanted to rip her clothing. It was just so... netty! And, the Ministry of Magic looked cool! And... Lucius! Ack! Scary! He had scary shadows and everything! Sirius's death made Lozza cry, the aftermath made me cry. Like in the silent bit where Harry was trying to save Sirius and then he chased Bella? Yeah. I was crying. And then I wanted to strangle Bella for singing "I killed Sirius! I killed Sirius!"

Voldemort's possession of Harry was so cool! Harry's eyes went all red and his voice was raspy and he was thrashing about on the floor... oh God... scary, but cooler than anything!

Um... before I finish: Luna! She's so awesome! I wanted to cuddle her!

The great thing about this movie was they cut stuff out, but they didn't add any in. 
1st movie: the staircases! OMG!! Kill the staircases!
2nd movie: okay... not much was added in that I can think of right now
3rd movie: (shoot it) I really hated what they did with Hermione and Lupin-wolf
4th movie: the maze. It pissed me off. It was great, but it didn't have anything and they added stuff like weirdo branches and you get my drift..

All done!

harry potter

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