First thing, gacked from
coffee_and_ink's journal:
the first nine and a half minutes of Serenity are online. I'll point out that the link claims my OS isn't supported (fucking Microsoft-consumed world), so anyone else running Linux may be out of luck. But if you haven't seen the movie, watch this. Go now. And then carry on to the movie theatre. ^^
Yesterday I brought home my first new batch of manga in a while: Death Note vol. 1, Kenshin vol. 19, and Basara vol. 14. I was hoping the first volume of Monster would be in, but no sign of it (we're only about 14 eps. into the anime, and I'm very interested to see what the differences are--I've heard it's a faithful adaptation with random chunks of filler).
flamika's L love has clearly worn off on me--every time he was "onscreen" I got bouncy. But the rereading/new translation isn't making any difference to my total lack of emotional connection to the series. DN is (IIRC) unique in intriguing me so thoroughly without that connection; once the plot gets rolling, it's fascinating to watch. That's all well and good--I mean, people watch chess matches for fun--but it still strikes me as odd, since I'm usually so reliant on really *loving* a series. Maybe I'll just wander off and sign up for Intense Emotional Moments Anon. ^^
I've read all of the Kenshin manga *text* in plain translations, so there aren't any surprises coming. But this volume includes one of my favorite touches, as Kenshin reveals who's behind the current threat facing the cast. Understated and yet deeply involved. I so wish this chunk of the story had been properly animated--the first OAV is really wonderful, and stands up well without the supporting framework, but . . . yeah. Not the same.
kawaiiayu and
gaminette both pointed out
the Fandom Wank thread on
recent activity in
fruits_basket. It's not the kind of thing I usually have any interest in getting involved in, but when my favorite characters are involved I feel kind of bad for not doing so. On the plus side, the fandom seems to have a much softer spot for Rin than they used to. Maybe someday I'll even get over my reflexive snarling defense of her. If in the end the people who continue to not like her are the ones who just can't deal with Haru not being gay, that'll do.
(Kind of intrigued by the person in the F_W thread who said Haru/Rin/Yuki would be interesting. "Interesting" is definitely one way of putting it. I wish I could say I can't imagine Rin and Yuki in that kind of situation, but . . . well, what's done is done. Now it's kind of like
flamika and
toriru4ever occasionally tossing Akito/Rin around as a crack pairing--almost intriguing, except for my fairly deep-seated conviction that Rin would sooner cut her wrists than be intimate with anyone but Haru. Unless there was a Damn Good Reason. *shudders at canon*)