Not a linkspam post, despite appearances

Jan 02, 2017 01:17

Oh, damn. For some reason I thought
fandom_stocking reveals were around January 15, but it's actually this Friday. >.< Odds of getting something done for it have just plummeted. And I have a rewrite due Wednesday that still needs...let's say "a lot of work" and politely leave it at that. >.>

dw_news reports over 100,000 new accounts in the past ten days or so. Wow.

I'm not participating, but I'm glad to see that
snowflake_challenge is running again this year; see the introduction post for details! "The Snowflake Challenge is about reminding ourselves why we choose to be part of fannish communities, and embracing what being part of that community means to us, and celebrating who we are. It’s about celebrating our specialness and our talents and what it is that makes each one of us amazing."

trope_bingo is running an amnesty round!

I'm not doing a "media consumed in 2016" roundup, but here's my year in books at Goodreads.

Last year I aimed to read 125 books (novels, non-fiction books, novellas, and manga/graphic novels), and signed up for Goodreads' reading challenge to that effect. I think I managed 87. (And I just realized that if I'd counted the manga volumes I adapted, I probably would've hit at least 100, but I feel weird about doing that.) This year I'll aim for 100.

I don't know what to do about a writing-tracker spreadsheet this year. For the past couple of years I used one made by The Sarcastic Muse, but they haven't updated their site since May (and none of the bloggers' Twitter accounts are very active). Last year they released theirs close enough to New Year's that I spent a while poking around for alternatives, and didn't find anything I liked at all. Right now I've downloaded the GYWO Pace Tracker from
getyourwordsout (for which I finally decided to sign up again this year, along with
inkingitout), and I've snagged the
inkingitout spreadsheet and am going to look at the ones here...but I may wind up just starting a new copy of the Sarcastic Muse spreadsheet for 2016 and accepting that all the dates are off by one. (I loathe messing with spreadsheets, so I'm not going to delve into its guts and try to figure out how to tweak it.)

In physical-writing-space news, Boxing Day Week sales hit our wallet hard, in large part because
scruloose and I both got new desk chairs. (Okay, his wasn't on sale, but his back tends to be touchy, so--especially since his yoga class of a decade doesn't exist anymore--he was hunting pretty carefully for a chair that [hopefully] won't aggravate it.) It's a little odd that we both started needing them at about the same time; last time we bought identical chairs at the same time, but his old chair is just plain breaking down structurally, while mine is not too bad in terms of literally holding up, but the upholstery is damaged on the seat and the side of the back (my mother-in-law made me a slipcover for the seat a couple of years ago because of the damage there), and the arm cushions are coming apart. So I could have worked with it somewhat longer, new chair was on sale. It's possible we'll be able to repurpose my old one, though. We'll see.

And tomorrow is
scruloose's last day off for the "holiday break" (which gets scare quotes because it was vacation time). When he takes the days between Christmas and New Year's off, it winds up meaning that he's off just long enough for us both (and the cats) to get used to him being here and not having to center around his work schedule. *sighs* Oh, well. It's great while it lasts.

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