I got to bed a bit later than I meant to last night, and didn't set an alarm. When I woke up around 9:30, I wavered about whether to get up; I was still pretty tired, but I was worried about maybe sleeping later than I wanted to if I let myself go back to sleep. By "later than I wanted to", I was thinking something like 11:00.
I risked it, and woke up at 12:45. *facepalm*
Casual Job doesn't even officially start* until tomorrow, so this is a little worrying. And my to-do list for today**, while not arduous, is longer than I was entirely pleased with even before I slept way later than I meant to.
Oh, well. At least some of it lends itself to multitasking, like "get
scruloose to dye my hair" and "do laundry".
*I say "officially" because I went to the office yesterday for five hours, and it was all fairly relaxed. Have I mentioned that Ginny's working with us this session, since she hasn't found full-time work yet? *g* She looked a little taken aback by how much stuff I arrived at the office with--mostly food, plus a clacky keyboard I bought secondhand via Kas--even though we went grocery shopping together on Monday night. Amused, I mentioned her reaction to one of the editors, who was just like "She'll learn [about how thoroughly we stock our desks with food]".
**The list includes "write a post or two on DW", but this post doesn't cover the couple of specific things I've been meaning to write about. So it goes.
On the media-intake front,
scruloose and I finished watching season 1 of Killjoys the other day. I'm not in love with it, but it's a lot of fun even if the actual plotting isn't always the most coherent. (I think it was episode 5 that really threw me? The one that opens with the crew aiming to salvage from an abandoned ship.) I'll definitely be watching season 2!
I'm especially glad to find myself really fond of Aaron Ashmore's new show (I absolutely adore him!), given that I utterly failed to bond with Allison Scagliotti's Stitchers--although I haven't made it past episode 3 of that. Have any of you watched further? Does it get better? I know a lot of shows do...
And I was going to say I haven't started reading anything since finishing Ancillary Mercy, but that's not true. I read 150 pages or so of The Weight of Souls on Saturday evening (between the two accidental naps that added up to about four hours >.<) before abandoning it, and that was more than I would've given it if I didn't own the book.
I have no recollection of how the book wound up on my radar, since none of my Goodreads friends have read it. I guess someone probably linked the cover blurb at some point and I thought it sounded interesting. (It does sound potentially interesting! But in practice it both bored and annoyed me.)
Speaking of Goodreads, a question for other people who use it: I think I want to create a new exclusive shelf for anthologies where I've read just the one or two stories I bought/checked out the collection for (since I read so little short fiction, reading an entire anthology basically never happens). Just marking one as "read" doesn't feel like it really cuts it when the truth is I've only read and am only ever going to read a small portion of a book. :/ If you're on Goodreads or track your reading in a similar way, and you also only read parts of anthologies, how do you track that?
Originally posted at
http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/643741.html. Comment here if you like, or
comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW: