Okay, no, it was more like I didn't stay on top of the tabs for two days. Not that I'm actually on top of them now, but the sea has been beaten back a bit.
Fandom/Geeky Things
A few days ago,
musesfool posted a Veronica Mars/Captain America fic in which Veronica is an ex-SHIELD agent and winds up bonding and being badass with Bucky, and you should totally go read it.
"we travel without seatbelts on" on AO3, ~9100 word gen fic.
"27 Studio Ghibli Tattoos That’ll Make Your Heart Croon". [Buzzfeed]
Social Justice
Via all over the place, Mira Jacob's
"I Gave A Speech About Race To The Publishing Industry And No One Heard Me". "Here is the thing about how discrimination works: No one ever comes right out and says, “We don’t want you.” In the publishing world, they don’t say, “We just don’t want your story.” They say, “We’re not sure you’re relatable” and “You don’t want to exclude anyone with your work.” They say, “We’re not sure who your audience is.”"
(I also want to single out, for its loveliness, the following line: "Even now, I think of this, and I want to do what I did then, which is hug her. Just, you know, that human thing, when you want to brace someone else’s bones with yours and say, “I got you.”")
At The Mary Sue:
"Nerd Guys, Pandering, and “Forced” Diversity".
"Fashion's 'body positive' messages are pointless without real size diversity". "Women do not come out of the Woman Factory in five different sizes of the same exact shape. A lot of us are arbitrarily proportioned and completely shut out of fashion play as a result, and we can't just exercise our way into having a narrow rib cage. Running more won't diminish my hockey player calves - for that to happen, I'd literally have to have both of my legs set in plaster cast and wait for the muscles to atrophy."
"33 Badass Pictures From The Golden Age Of Tattoos". (Not entirely SFW due to some non-sexualized nudity.)
"Spectacular New Image Of The Magellanic Clouds Released".
"Couple Recreates Iconic Scene from ‘101 Dalmatians’ for Engagement Photos".
The other day
siderea posted
"The Asshole Filter", which is an interesting read on one possible way so many decent people find themselves largely surrounded by assholes. "An asshole filter is a situation one creates that causes non-assholes to reduce contact with you at a disproportionate rate (like at all) than assholes. / The simplest way to do this is to ask politely. / An asshole filter happens when you publicly promulgate a straitened contact boundary and then don't enforce it; or worse, reward the people who transgress it."
At The Toast,
"Questions Your Local Librarian Will Not Be Answering for You".
"An English historian has come across the word ‘fuck’ in a court case dating to the year 1310, making it the earliest known reference to the swear word."
"Cute collection of cats in the yokai world features magical powers, gods and flying catfish".
"Places on Pluto are Being Named for Your Darkest Imaginings".
Via Facebook:
"Biker Saves Badly Burned Kitten, Continues Cross-Country Trip With Him".
"One Day, One Tattoo: Czech Artist Makes Sure Each Watercolor Tattoo Is Perfect".
"6 Odd Things Doomsday Preppers Stockpile (That Make Sense)". [Cracked.com]
"Behold the Largest Atlas in the World: The Six-Foot Tall Klencke Atlas from 1660".
"Nonprofit Creates Geeky Halloween Costumes for Kids in Wheelchairs".
"Volkswagen just re-released everyone’s favourite hippy-van…but now it’s electric". Note that from the article, it doesn't sound like this is quite a done deal--more of a strong possibility on the horizon. "However, with these requirements in mind and a vision of re-invigorating sales in the US, it looks like Volkswagen may be re-introducing the cult-classic with a modern twist of sustainability to create the ultimate form of hippy transportation."
Originally posted at
http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/629399.html. Comment here if you like, or
comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW: