Hazards of a work schedule for the day that begins with "come in whenever (as long as it's before 2 PM)" combined with my bus running every fifteen minutes: it's really easy to stay in bed for another fifteen minutes, and then to fail to hustle to get ready. I have had tea and breakfast and a quick snuggle with Jinksy. Who is now chilling out nearby in my office, looking comfy as can be while he has a leisurely bath. (Why, I ask you, are the kittens almost inevitably more snuggly when I have to go somewhere? Like, well before the stage of throwing on clothes and/or donning boots and coat at the door?)
Alas, I slept pretty badly last night. Got to bed later than I should have (but there was a bit of wordcount to show for it, even if it's probably-not-useful smut), and I woke up when
scruloose's alarm went off, and in between those things, both kittens got cuddly during the night. At different times. It's rare enough for either of them to get cuddly enough to wake me, never mind both of them. But no, Claudia decided to lie on me and purr, and Jinksy decided to groom my hair. Good, sweet kitten!beasts and their terrible timing.
How this all translated into feeling inclined to post before heading out, I do not know*. I do know that while it was raining hard enough to be audible against the windows when
scruloose got up, right now it seems not to be raining at all seems to be raining only slightly, so if I can escape during this lull before the sky gets back to the projected heavy rainfall, that'd be good.
*Not technically true. I'm hoping that focusing enough to write this post helped get my brain online. I honestly meant to be on a bus an hour ago.
EDIT: ...oh. Apparently the sensation of moving through molasses and not being able to wake up is because I'm feeling unwell, not just tired. I finally woke up enough to process that. It's almost like I've been sleeping and eating badly/inadequately for days while stressing about work and deadlines! So I've emailed my boss to say I'll be in around 2, and shall get some more rest/meds/tea in the meantime.
I can't decide whether to thank my physical failure to wake up for sounding an alert, or be annoyed that my meatpuppet's giving me trouble this early in the work session.
Originally posted at
http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/514088.html. Comment here if you like, or
comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW: