--Oh, Nova Scotia. Sunny with a high of 12°C (54°F) today--I forgot my coat when I went to work!--which was great...and is apparently going to be followed by tomorrow being a cooler day with a heavy rainfall warning. Gah. We're over a week into April, and I'm still thinking, with all sincerity, at least it's not snow.
--The weather was half of why I forgot my coat. The other half is that I was in a rush, having turned in my rewrite literally half an hour before the bus left (and not having managed to get dressed until after the rewrite was in, although I did also turn in my lettering corrections for Haganai 7 and do laundry before leaving).
--I'd really like to see The Winter Soldier again, and I keep sort of forgetting that, no, my weekday evenings are all occupied with work for the foreseeable future. It's a freaky mix of having been back at Casual Job for less than two weeks, and therefore not being re-accustomed to it yet, and having had such a ludicrous work schedule last week, and therefore feeling like we were at the end of the session so it must be over, right?
--It's hard to decide when to go to bed when I didn't get home from work until 10:30 and don't have to be in the office until 2 tomorrow (but can go in as soon as 9 or 9:30. I think I'm aiming for something like 10 AM). I work this job for so little of the year--three or four months, in two chunks--that I feel like I need to make sure to be there as much as I can, in the name of my paycheque. If I'm in at 10 AM and Those Who Speak talk for as long as they're currently scheduled to, that'll be a twelve-hour day minimum, with the chance of it being noticeably longer depending on what they do with their last four hours.
--Casual Job badly skews my standards for a normal workday. Ten to twelve hours is my idea of a reasonable length for a day there; after that it starts counting as "a long day". (Today was only six.)
--In what I regard as exciting work news, our office copies of the second edition of the Canadian Oxford Dictionary have arrived! I may have hugged mine. But you have to understand, we've been relying on the first edition for a lot of our in-house style, which means that since 2009 I've been forced to use "Web site", "e-mail", and "on-line". (I know that many people still like the hyphen in email. Power to you! That was a much lesser gripe than "Web site", which made me gnash my teeth Every Single Time.)
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