lysapadin posted
"Human Contact", a Newsflesh fic, a couple nights ago.
I discovered this while sitting in the inn's common room, late enough in the evening that the fire was dying down and there were only a handful of us still awake and in there. And unlooked-for Newsflesh fic is just something that hardly ever happens in my world--maybe once a year? (Yuletide is different; obviously I hope every year that someone besides me will write some, and I get very excited when other people do, but I'm prepared for it.)
Let's be honest: I don't have much dignity to begin with. But in the throes of wholehearted fannish joy, I literally bounced and squeed and covered my face with my hands and flailed a little. My poor minister was sitting closest to me, and looked up from checking his blog stats to stare at me in confusion. *g* And then he compared my reaction to three or four different breeds of dogs, point by point. (He's a dog person, to put it mildly.)
This was all over just discovering that the story exists, mind you. Then there was debate over whether to read it right away (which I settled on, since it's quite short) or save it to have it later. At some point
wildpear was finally just like " you need me to come sit there by you?" (Yes.)
And the story doesn't just exist--it's also good. *g* I got to read new words about Georgia and Shaun, and I was deliriously happy, and now you all know where to find the story too. [pre-series, Georgia/Shaun, posted to Porn Battle but not particularly explicit]
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