I just remembered that I have Haven Christmas episodes that I set aside unwatched until this month! (Will there be a new one this year? Do any of you know? I have no idea how they happen, since I only just saw Haven over the last few months and got into Warehouse 13 when season 4 was running, and it didn't get one.)
One of these evenings (after Casual Job wraps) I'll have to watch them. ^_^
ETA: The fact that I made this post while the show is airing is entirely coincidental. And fortunately I remembered in time to stop checking Twitter on the site. (I have the #Haven tag blocked on my phone app.) Two-episode season finale tonight, IIRC? Something to look forward to tomorrow afternoon.
Originally posted at
http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/479031.html. Comment here if you like, or
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