Emails from the girl, who I really must persuade to get a DW account so I can link her name easily

May 30, 2013 12:31

Memo to anyone who's started following me on Tumblr recently: yes, I usually do reblog in deluges, but this week is not representative. I'm still catching up from everything I missed while I was in Toronto, and apparently I'm just not capable of declaring Tumblr bankruptcy like a more sensible person. >.>

The girl and I have been emailing back and forth more in the last few weeks than we have in...years. (I note that she lives a ten-minute walk away.) She's fangirling wonderfully over Newsflesh and The Lynburn Legacy, and I'm trying to get her into Warehouse 13* and have plans to show her and Kas ATLA simultaneously, even though scheduling that could be a bit tricky. And she needs to see season 1 of Veronica Mars, for the usual pair of entirely-unrelated reasons.

This was one of a series of emails from her last night, which made me grin like you wouldn't believe: "P.S. You may have noticed, but you seem to have turned me (back?) into a helplessly flailing fangirl/fiction addict. I . . . hope you're prepared for the consequences, as you are just about my only source for companionship in this area ;)"


*I showed her and lanatha Claudia's first episode (1x04, "Claudia") before Toronto, with the usual caveats about how dreadful Claud's dialogue is in that one (and as usual, even though I dislike her dialogue enough to warn people about it, I was still taken aback by just how bad it is. Thank goodness the writers got on top of that quickly, by which--if I have this right--I mean they started consulting Allison Scagliotti on how a nineteen-year-old geek genius might actually speak). Anyway, last night she went and started at the beginning, and I don't know how far into the pilot she got before sending her first email.

It read, in its entirety: "I already hate this guy." Oh, S1!Pete. I'm quite fond of him now, but I can't argue with her initial assessment. He's a major contributing factor to why I wandered off after season 1 and didn't go back for a year or two.

(I must link her to this Tumblr post.)

And speaking of W13, season 4 is available for preorder, and mercifully, it doesn't seem to be a case of separate box sets for the first and second halves of the season.
To get back to my long-time Fruits Basket adoration, I had the most marvelous morning just before Anime North. The Dlish lemon cupcake that served as breakfast was only a prelude to Takaya-sensei posting new pics of Rin (one with Haru--and I think it's the first of both of them since the series ended) on Twitter. *_* I think direct linking should work even if you're not following her there, so:

Sketch of Rin.

Subsequent sketch of Rin and Haru. I still miss them. ;_;
A few other links:

This recent xkcd nails it.

Jumping back to Allison Scagliotti, I don't quite know what this is a preview of (presumably a music video?), but here, have thirty seconds of her dancing. I remain brokenhearted over Warehouse 13 ending soon, but I'm excited to see what she does next.

And I saw this ages ago, but I never linked it. "Rage of Thrones Music Video by The Axis of Awesome".

Originally posted at Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:

actor: allison scagliotti, tv: warehouse 13, the girl, tumblr

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