In practice, I don't know if I'll make a habit of this, but since I'm still awake I'm technically still thinking of it as the weekend, so what the hell. Have a random, non-spoilery fic snippet from a WIP.
[Newsflesh fic, working title "Bread and Circuses", AKA "the one where Georgia and Shaun sorta-kinda hire Dave years before they're in a position to hire anybody". Still in draft and subject to change.]
Dave observed our mock-squabble with wary amusement. "Do you finish each other's sentences, too?"
George's focus snapped back to him. "'Too'?"
"Do you do the full spectrum of twin stuff? Other than pretending to be each other and trading clothes, I mean. I don't think you'd pull that off."
I couldn't help laughing. "Technically, she's wearing one of my shirts."
"Technically, it's mine now." She made a "hush" gesture at me, her air of relaxation evaporating. "Pop quiz, Novakowski: using research or deduction, how fast can you tell me what's wrong with that question?"
"Uh--" Dave narrowed his eyes, glancing back and forth between us. "Well, me saying something like that last night didn't bug Shaun, and you don't look pissed. And if it's something I can research it's factual, so..." He blinked. "Oh."
"'Oh' is not an answer."
"You're not twins. Everyone just thinks you are."
George waited, expressionless. So much for not scaring the guy.
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