Seven minutes 'til 2013, at least in Nova Scotia! Ginny and I have been to our local friends' New Year's party, but since neither of us are actually into being in large groups for prolonged periods, we caught a ride home when one was going at 10:30.
scruloose is still out, so at least one of us will ring in 2013 in celebratory style. Ginny and I are content to be snuggled under blankets while we have tea and catch up on online things. ^_^
Tomorrow we'll begin New Year's Day by having waffles with
bosonator. He's been coming to us for first-meal-of-the-year waffles for...most of the last few years. (Ginny reminds me that he was sick last year. :/) This is especially great because until sometime in November I'd assumed he wouldn't be coming home for Christmas at all, but it's also going to be a bit hard because it's the last time we'll see him for an unknown but probably long period of time.
Ginny and I think this is the seventh year she's been here "for Christmas" (which means she came for Christmas the first year, concluded that that might not be the best idea in future since she doesn't like Christmas that much and also doesn't need to do it twice with two families not her own, and has been coming around Boxing Day ever since. This is a wonderful state of affairs, frankly. *^^* As is the fact that we already know when we'll be seeing her again, and it's not too far off.
And there're noisemakers going off, so it's 2013 here. Again, happy New Year to everyone!
I think it's become typical to do my input/output post on January 1, and that'll be the case this time around too. (And tomorrow [today? But I haven't slept yet!] Yuletide reveals happen. I'm curious to see if I know anyone who wrote any of the things I've read. ^^ Also, I'll be glad to finally be able to answer comments, having opted to hold off 'til the reveal.)
I usually do the recurring meme about things done and undone over the past year, but I'm not feeling it this year. 2012 was a good year for me--not amazing, but good.
bosonator moving away was really hard. OTOH, we hung out with Kas a lot more than we had in earlier years, and that's been great.
There weren't a lot of things I did for the first time in 2012, I don't think. The big thing was going to Japan for the first time, back in June, and that was amazing. Buzz-cutting my hair was a significant thing in some ways, mainly in that I'd been working my way up to it for a while, but on the other hand it's just hair. And...that may be it, but that's fine by me. The year was fine. Time to see what 2013 has to say for itself.
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