Wow. I hadn't updated my Interests list in so long that I'd forgotten LJ has a cap. (I don't know right off if DW does too, but if it does, it's higher.) And oh, hey, LJ won't allow interests with more than four words. Hmph. I liked that one. (It remains on the DW list. Ha!) But restriction annoyances aside, the list is updated for the first time in approximately forever.
(It's the kind of day where I'm willing to consider that an accomplishment.)
I think tomorrow I'm going to buy Friday Night Lights, entirely sight unseen. I keep hearing amazing things about it, and Amazon(.ca) has informed me that the already reasonably-priced series boxset is going to be 55% off tomorrow.
Idle fanfic musing: say that one has several chunks of not-technically-related fic written that could be made to relate thematically. Is it better to wind up with a few shorter pieces or to at least explore the possibility of quilting them together? *ponders*
I'm increasingly aware that I don't fully understand how Yuletide actually works. (I plan to look it up; I just haven't yet.) I mean, I know the gist, but I kind of feel like I ought to know the ins and outs via fannish osmosis, and apparently it's not so.
What else...? Last week involved a remarkable amount of wandering around doing quasi-touristy things (by my standards) while
andora and her Dave were here. We wandered around downtown and visited the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic (I don't think I'd ever been), which included exploring the museum's
on-site historic science vessel and learning more about the
Halifax Explosion than I ever did in school. (I guess it's no surprise that the history of the largest pre-atomic man-made explosion is depressing as hell. Great exhibit, though.) Much seafood was eaten by the non-vegetarians, including the Best Fish and Chips Ever; much beer was had by the beer drinkers (AKA everyone but me), for lo, we are proud of our breweries. Toronto and Halifax friends met for the first time and seemed to hit it off.
There was even a venture out to Peggy's Cove, which entailed much clambering around on the rocks. Apparently I have an unconscious belief that I can mountain goat (yes, it's a verb in my head) freely on granite* in any clothes, so I went in a sundress and tights, because sometimes I'm smart like that. ^^; Tights, skin, and pride all survived the frolicking, though, once I remembered that it'd be a good idea to lace my combat boots a lot more tightly than usual in the name of ankle support. Too bad I had this realization while stranded on a pretty steep slab with a gap that needed jumping over to get down, so my hands weren't exactly free for the re-lacing until after I'd gotten myself back down. But hey, I survived. (That's not entirely flippant, although I wouldn't say I was in actual danger. See footnote.)
*If granite isn't your region's rock of choice, a relevant bit of info: a semi-official slogan of outdoor Nova Scotia climbers is something like, "Nova Scotia! It's sharp. REALLY SHARP." The slogan does not lie. Between the granite and the whole north Atlantic, our coastline really is trying to kill you. But it looks so pretty while it's doing it...!
TL;DR: Still alive. Life as usual resuming now that all of our September house guests have been and gone.
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