Ginny went home yesterday. :/ But tomorrow more Ontario friends arrive for a few days, so the house won't be quiet for long. They're all missing the worst of the weather. The tail of a hurricane arrived last night (causing flooding in various parts of the province, but AFAIK, not here) and it should be gone by tomorrow. Lucky travelers!
My to-do list for this next visit includes things like "going for another round of the tastiest fish ever (and hoping the restaurant's non-fish offerings are also delicious, since
andora's husband is a no-fish vegetarian)" and "trying to remember how to hold conversations that don't include fictional snarky bloggers". *coughs* In case anyone was wondering, Ginny loves me and has the patience of a saint.
(I have at least three friends reading through Newsflesh right now, so I keep getting text messages and emails as they get to various parts. Which is awesome, but it does mean that at any time my phone can deliver a sudden attack of feelings that have nothing to do with whatever I'm actually doing or talking about at the time. This happened while we were having lunch with my in-laws on the weekend. ^^; For bonus awkwardness, the messages are usually prompted by people getting to parts of the books that make me cry. Whee?)
One possible perk of this whole new-fandom thing is that the series presumably qualifies for Yuletide, which means I might actually participate for the first time, if enough other series that I could potentially work with get nominated. Hmm.
(BTW, although most of you have probably already seen,
I finally finished my non-spoilery series rec post on Friday. Whew.)
Tom McRae's
new album, From the Lowlands, came out today, and my download code (included in the hard-copy album purchase) arrived last night. It includes two songs I already know and love, one of which, Alphabet of Hurricanes, is...the title track for the Alphabet of Hurricanes album that came out a year or two ago. (From the Lowlands is technically the second half of a double album.) More importantly, it has Belly of a Whale, which Tom played and I fell in love with the first time I saw him in concert. That was in 2007. Finally, finally, there's a studio version. *melts* (This Rin icon and the matching Haru one both use lyrics from it.)
(Now to get used to the fact that it's actually called "Belly of a Whale", not "Knew a Girl", which is what most people seemed to be calling it.)
In other good music news--although it's not here yet--last week I ordered
Seanan McGuire's Wicked Girls CD (which was up for a Hugo this year; apparently it was the first-ever solo artist CD to be nominated, as opposed to a compilation). Among other things, it has a song called The Ghost of Lilly Kane, which I'm looking forward to on principle since we're rewatching Veronica Mars. ^_^ Also, I can report with complete honesty that CD Baby sent me the BEST "your order has shipped" email that I have ever seen. It was almost worth ordering the CD just for that.
With the new TV season starting, various people are listing or talking about which shows they're going to keep watching or try out. So for reference, my returning shows are Parks and Recreation (Sept. 20), Fringe (Sept. 28), The Good Wife (Sept. 30), Once Upon a Time (Sept. 30), and The Vampire Diaries (Oct. 11).
I don't have many new things on my radar. Elementary is premiering Sept. 27, and other than that I want to see The Fall, if for no reason other than that it stars Gillian Anderson and Archie Panjabi.
On the fannish linkblogging front, I've been enjoying Aja Romano's series of posts on LiveJournal and fannish experience.
"The demise of a social media platform: Tracking LiveJournal's decline" has already been making the rounds. The second post is
"Infographic: Tracking LiveJournal’s fandom diaspora", and the newest is
"The pros and cons of fandom on Tumblr".
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