I'm behind on basically everything right now--I owe a bunch of people email and haven't gotten any writing done in days (I was doing well, too -_-). Basically the only thing that got done this past week was going to work. Sadly,
scruloose was home sick the entire week, so our schedules got all wonky. I'm deeply grateful that I seem to have dodged whatever slammed him, in no small part because I don't have sick days at Casual Job and really want to work as much as I can while I have the opportunity. Plus the obvious "being sick sucks immensely" factor. Poor husband. ;_; He finally seems to be on the mend, at least.
As for other stuff, I think waiting until January for the next ep. of Fringe is worse than waiting that long for a new Vampire Diaries, but that may be only because I'm so used to TVD blithely cliffhanging us with almost every episode. I don't find that Fringe usually leaves me asking questions, because I have so little expectation of figuring out where they're going with it. I just sit back and take it as it comes. But naturally, now that we're at the mid-season hiatus, they left off with something that leaves me with LOTS of questions. Show! Why are you doing this?
Non-spoilery Fringe note: the awesomeness of Olivia Dunham continues unabated.
Meanwhile, I'm excited that signups for the Lunar New Year exchange are live at
white_lotus, even though I'm not signing up myself. So much wonderful fanwork came out of last year's! I'm going to keep an eye on the "treats" post, though; I've never written ATLA fic or felt an impulse to, but you never know.
And this week my niece/goddaughter turned sixteen. It seems impossible that it's been that long since my sister came home to visit with a seven-month-old baby, but...that was something like two days after my high school graduation. O_O There was a birthday party tonight and their house was full of family and friends, which made me happy to see even though I found it kind of overwhelming. (And of course their family isn't my family, which doesn't help with the overwhelming factor. I at least know my sister's mom and my brother-in-law's immediate family, but not well.)
Then there's the bonus weirdness of discovering that my nephew is now taller than me. And his voice is changing. I know that's what happens with boys at fourteen, and I know it's not helped by how embarrassingly rarely I see them, but still. WEIRD.
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