This is not a cheap week. Without even touching on all the social stuff I've been doing, last night I ordered a small heap of manga and this morning I've ordered more of my favorite tea and registered for a distance ed. copy-editing course. Given the state of the manga industry, expanding what I can do as a freelancer seems like a reasonable course of action, so that's obviously part of why I want the course, but also just the idea of knowing the whole copy-editor code is appealing. *^^*
And in happy work news, now that I've signed all the paperwork and have all the volume 1 materials, it's probably safe to tell people that I'm adapting a new shoujo series for VIZ. It's not announced, so that's all I can say about it, but I'm really excited to be working for them again!
ginny_t and I have a brunch date with
cow and I don't know if I can get through all of the open tabs before it's time to get ready, but let's see.
I have a couple of links about the LJ DDoS situation:
synecdochic (one of Dreamwidth's founders and an ex-LJ employee) posted about
LiveJournal's DDoS and Russian politics:"The word for "blog" in the Russian language is literally 'ЖЖ' -- the abbreviation for Живой Журнал, or LiveJournal. (Although the automatic translators tended to render it as 'Alive Magazine', which always amused me.) The president of Russia keeps an LJ. (Or a ЖЖ.) There's pretty much no doubt in my mind that the Russian-language market for LJ is what kept LJ from being shut down by Six Apart after acquisition -- 6A had a history of buying companies for the intellectual property and the people who worked there, using that intellectual property and the employees for other projects they had in mind, and shutting down the property once they'd sucked out everything they wanted it for. The fact that Russian-language LJ was so strong meant they could sell the whole thing to SUP, which gave them a different method of disposal."
She also
linked to an
lj_maintenance post with a
map of where the DDoS attacks are coming from. (Her post says only, and accurately, "Presented mostly without comment, except to say, if you run Windows, you should also be running daily malware and antivirus scans. Things like this could not happen if it weren't for the millions of infected PCs out there being tied together into botnets.")
one woman's account of getting an abortion in 1962. I'll quote the same except
cofax7 did: "Statistics on illegal abortion are notoriously unreliable, but the Guttmacher Institute, a respected international organization dedicated to sexual and reproductive health, estimates that during the pre-Roe vs. Wade years there were up to one million illegal abortions performed in the United States each year. Illegal and often unsafe. In 1965, they count almost two hundred known deaths from illegal abortions, but the actual number was, they estimate, much higher, since the majority went unreported."
On a related note, the Guardian
talks about how the debate over funding Planned Parenthood is a key factor in the potential US federal government shutdown.
Two lighter things:
a pie chart showing the devastating social consequences of legalizing gay marriage. *nods* I live in Canada, and thus can assure you that it is entirely accurate.
And finally,
xkcd is entirely right.
Other links are more fun, but they'll have to wait. Brunch!
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