As it happens, LJ's ongoing issues mean its servers (understandably) aren't up to letting Dreamwidth accounts do imports, so I haven't managed that so far.
Anyway, this is just a quick two-point post before Ginny and I head off to work (and hopefully LJ will accept the cross-post).
First, I have 13 DW invite codes. As other people have pointed out, even if someone doesn't want to cross-post from or post to DW, it's a good way to have an off-site backup of your LJ. (Of course, that's when the import is working, but generally it works well, AFAIK.) So if you want one, comment on the Dreamwidth version of this post so I don't miss anyone. I want to donate any that my friends don't need to
dw_codesharing, so I'll probably do that in a couple of days.
Second, just the other day I was thinking, "Wow, if
30_kisses hadn't stopped doing claim purges, I would've lost my Haru/Rin claim a loooong time ago," and I was relieved that that hadn't happened. (Still want to finish, haven't gotten any writing done, blahblahblah.) Less than 24 hours later a post went up saying that
June 1 will be their first claim purge in over a year. Guess I'd better get on that, between working full time and freelancing and the traveling I'm doing this month and reading the alarming stack of library manga and socializing and going to a con and hanging out with
scruloose when he's in town next month and...
...yeah. I was intending to finish both remaining stories and post them together, since they go together, but all of a sudden I'm thinking I'll focus on the first one.
Originally posted at Comment here if you like, or
comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:
(Need a Dreamwidth invite? I can probably hook you up.)