...and a cheese sandwich to see us home.

Aug 19, 2010 11:21

scruloose and I made it home safely on our separate flights (different departure airports an hour apart and matching stopovers in Montréal and all). We were welcomed home by a garden spider in the upstairs stairwell (luckily
scruloose headed upstairs before I did, warned me, and took it outside) and a tomato plant that doubled in size under
estrellas_errantes's care (that plant won't be happy to see us, I tell you).

I decided to start breaking my Fluevogs in on the trip home, since I figured the day wouldn't involve a lot of walking and my feet were mostly healed up from the blisters I acquired on my first full day in Toronto. It wasn't an entirely bad move, since the boots are by far the heaviest footwear I had to bring home, and it gave me the added bonus of discovering that the eyelets don't set off the airport's metal detectors, unlike my (non-steel-toed) combat boots.

In practice,
ginny_t, tamakun, musicgeekstress, and I started off by going to About Cheese on Church for their grilled cheese sandwiches, then went for one last round of bubble tea at a Tea Shop 168, then shopped a little along Yonge St...none of which added up to a huge amount of walking, but that and the hours of wearing the boots while I traveled chewed up the backs of my heels pretty effectively. Since I can't see the backs of my heels all that well and they just looked kinda red from my vantage point, I didn't realize how bad it was until I got in the shower and the hot water hit them. Verdict: OWWW!!! I'm glad my go-to sandals don't have straps across the back of my feet.

I adore the boots, though, and can't wait until I have them broken in properly. I'm not surprised that they weren't instantly perfect, since they feel pretty stiff.

For posterity, here's what was written on the super-fluffy bag the clerk at Fluevog packed them in when I declined a box (the bag shed poofy cottony bits everywhere and has been disposed of, but
ginny_t typed it up for me):Always hold on to the truth. Don't let others sway your heart. Don't compromise yourself for the sake of temporary groovyness. Be separate from the crowd that's awash with normality by standing on a firm foundation. Never waver in your love or faith, and in all you do, please wear my shoes.

John Fluevog
This is a philosophy I can get behind.

Another foodie highlight was tamakun's delivery of two bags of his "cuppies", which are amazing. (That link takes you to his Silver Ball Bakery site.) I commissioned a batch of chocolate cuppies with peanut butter filling, which I hadn't tried before, and happily they've survived the trip home mostly unsquashed. Nom! Toronto-area folks who don't know him, I highly, highly recommend ordering some of his baked goods. Seriously, don't hesitate.

Backtracking a bit, I recommend About Cheese glowingly too. We were in there at least three times during the course of my visit, and everyone we dealt with was friendly and willing to explain stuff and to give us samples of things like the knee-weakening triple-crème that swept
ginny_t off her feet.
scruloose and I bought some cheese and have brought it home, but haven't yet checked to be sure it survived the trip. Here's hoping, 'cause wow, is that good stuff.


And now that we're home, it's time for me to get back to work. I got some rewriting done while we were away, but not as much as I'd like, and I have two scripts due by the end of the month. (The hard one's almost done, though, so it's not as bad as it sounds.)

Originally posted at http://umadoshi.dreamwidth.org/46192.html. Comment here if you like, or comment there using OpenID. Comments at DW:
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materialism, toronto, recs, om nom nom

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