Four-day weekends are things of beauty, even if I'm already having trouble remembering most of what we did. The weather was unseasonably warm (
scruloose says the temperature broke records) and gloriously sunny on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday mostly involved hanging out and going for a walk with
bosonator*, but yesterday was busy: we went to the nearby Anglican church again** (I went by myself on Good Friday), had a quick lunch, and headed over to the girl's place. While she and her husband were hiding chocolate eggs for Pumpkin (who's a year and a half old),
scruloose and another friend and I took Pumpkin up to the playground for an hour or so. Then we all got to go back and watch the egg hunt, which was conducted very earnestly and with much distraction.
scruloose took a bunch of pictures, and it was all great fun.
The one downside is that I have two assignments due at the end of the month, and for different reasons I wasn't able to start either of them over the long weekend. So I spent today reading and hanging out with a couple of friends and mostly being lazy, since it's probably the only actual weekend day I'll have free all month. The hours at Casual Job are almost certainly just going to keep getting heavier from here on in, but those books aren't gonna adapt themselves.
In other happy news, our Star Trek: TOS boxset arrived, and we've already watched the first four episodes. The order on the DVDs is a little confusing (although it seems to be broadcast order?). Why on earth would "Where No Man Has Gone Before" (the show's second pilot, shot after "The Cage" [which was recycled into "The Menagerie" later]) be the third episode, when it's full of people we've never seen before (and probably won't again), and the uniforms are all wrong, and McCoy and Uhura aren't even in it...? Bizarre.
And in other-other news, we have a new stove coming next week. No more fiddling incessantly with the dial (and the thermometer) to get temperatures right! It's self-cleaning! It has four working burners! It has two (2) racks! It's pretty exciting, in that "er, when did I turn into the kind of adult who cares about APPLIANCES? O_O" way that always takes me aback.
*Who agreeably signed up for a Dreamwidth account just to save me the hassle of typing out two sets of code every time I mention him--now I can just use the "lj user=" code once.
**I'm a very bad faux Anglican, because I don't know the liturgy or most of the responses. Every time the congregation seems to have a pattern to their responses, they switch it up on me. I'm glad we went, though; the archdeacon who officiated was pretty awesome. But here's my problem: I keep realizing that I don't know how to refer to her. Anglican ministers are priests, right? The other one whose church I used to wander in and out of was a man, and he was Father T____. What's a woman called in those denominations?
[manually x-posted to DW]