Relaxation through fun food things, plus linkblogging

Apr 02, 2010 20:05

Happy Easter weekend to all who celebrate! And happy long weekend to everyone who has one (and sympathies to those who don't).

The sudden (admittedly early) arrival of the weekend reminds me that I meant to blog about our day of total relaxation last Sunday. At this point, I'll just note that it involved having bosonator crash here Saturday night, the better to get up and make bacon and waffles with Nutella and raspberry sauce. We spent the day trying the oven method of making clotted cream, which wasn't a great success (we think we did it a bit wrong), showing bosonator Into the Woods (which confirmed, alas, that he's not really a fan of musicals, but he watched it gamely), and later making scones and sweet potato fries.

Tonight's looking to follow a similar trend: bosonator's coming over with pasta dough and his pasta maker so we can give it a trial run (I think the ultimate plan is fettuccine alfredo) and bringing a movie he just saw and enjoyed well enough that he's going to watch it again with us. Meanwhile, I just made Cadbury creme egg muffins after finishing and turning in my Animal Academy 5 rewrite an hour or so ago.

I suddenly want to try making cinnamon buns. I've sure I have a recipe or twelve lying around on my hard drive...

We may be buying a new stove this weekend. (Who knew Easter weekend was a time for big sales? Not me!) The stove that came with our townhouse works, but it's missing one of its two racks, one of the large burners works a bit sporadically, and it's not self-cleaning. The last isn't a bug, of course, but it's a significant lack of a feature, esp. since we both despise cleaning ovens.


The usual linkblogging: today's xkcd (and its alt text) really spoke to me. Specifically, it spoke to the part of me that likes to go around saying "So...computers run on tiny crystals that are grown in vats, and they take billions of 1s and 2s and create sound and pictures and whatnot. In what way is this not magic?"

jonquil has a thoughtful post of the state of contemporary (North American) Christianity.

Via synecdochic: Truckers take up quilting and knitting.

First seen via telophase, Google Japan's April Fool's joke. I dislike almost everything people do at April Fool's, but Google usually does good stuff. That link's in Japanese, naturally, but! snarp posted a quick translation.

Startling things learned from food blogs: Kinder Surprises are banned in the US. O_O It starts with "U.S. authorities are urging Canadians to stop sending Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs to that country as gifts". What a strange world.

[manually x-posted to DW]

linkblogging, baking

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