A whole lotta fidgeting going on

Mar 04, 2008 23:21

...it's a good thing I'm liking Criminal Minds (barely into the first season), 'cause having a script to work on (good as that inherently is ^^) is not in and of itself enough to distract me from how excruciatingly slowly the last two eps. of Sarah Connor Chronicles are downloading. ;_; I'm excited enough about them that I put the husband under orders not to make any other plans for the evening so I could watch them ASAP. Alas, the AP part is not as S as one might hope. Grr. Internets! You're supposed to be magic!

(The cold that's completely fogging my brain and making it hard to work is not helping the mood any, alas. But we can watch the show tomorrow, and tomorrow isn't that far off now.)

The good news is that three packages were delivered today, so I have heaps of awesome-looking manga waiting for me to have a chance to sit down and start reading. *^^* (Actually, I know what I have to read first, and that's because I promised to review it, but after that I get to pick and choose. ^_^)

Also good was rewatching ep. 1-4 of Fullmetal Alchemist on Sunday; it's been a LONG time since I first saw the beginning of the series. Five or six years? I know we saw the first chunk of it very slowly, at Fanboys Gatherings in Toronto (so two episodes every month or two), and then didn't finish the show until we'd moved back here, so it makes sense that it's all a little fuzzy in my memory.

domestic television

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