a hodgepodge (and longish) post

Mar 30, 2006 13:15

First: This post ("Jossverse Fandom and Kerfuffles in a Nutshell") is awesome, although it probably won't make any sense to non-Buffy/Angel fans. (I think I originally saw it via rashaka, but it turned up on metafandom this morning and reminded me that I'd meant to link to it.)

Second: I read several writers' LJs--ranging from fanfic writers who have interesting things to say to professional folk (mainly matociquala, who won the Campbell Award last year [and rightly so]), and I follow the links they post to other posts on writing. These aren't people I know*, but a lot of them have very interesting things to say about writing and how it happens for them; it reminds me that there's no one technique, but that work is required. (So far, yes, I'm still more in the "reading about the work" camp than the "doing the work" one. *guilt*)

Anyway, several of you also write, and a couple of you are taking classes in it, and I just wanted to mention that I make heavy use of the Memories feature. I've linked a LOT of good posts on the subject here, if anyone's interested. (I was reminded because the newest post started by discussing Stephen King's "On Writing", which I remember miyabita13 mentioning.)

* Six degrees of separation is in effect with matociquala, which makes me happy--I may have mentioned this somewhere before, but there's a diner in her books named after Carnage. ^_^

Third: You know that whole "my attachment to X comes and goes depending on how recently I've read/watched it"? It really, *really* doesn't take much to make my little Sorashi heart dance and sing. undeadmiko posted a pic from the newest chapter of Tsubasa, and all reason went out the window. Who cares that it's chapter 110 and I've only read the first twelve or so? Who cares that I barely know who the series' main characters are? That picture made my night like you wouldn't believe. (Except that almost everyone reading this journal is in fandom of some flavor, so I guess you would. ^^)

Fourth: Nathan Fillion (Mal in Firefly/Serenity) has a new movie coming out. It's a horror comedy called "Slither". I don't usually go for horror movies of any flavor, but Nathan's asked people to go see it as his birthday present. And because Nathan is just that fabulous (as an actor *and* as a person), I'm going to go. Y'all should too.

Fifth (and I'll stop here, I swear): octopedingenue linked the new Fullmetal Alchemist OAVs, and I'm all bouncy. I shall watch them after lunch. ^^ *goes to eat, because Sweet Cream tea is not enough to sustain life* (Ok, who am I kidding--I watched the first one while I was cooking lunch. >.>) The "chibi" one is a lot of fun! And the "kids" one is . . . wow. I keep dodging the FMA fandom, but I do love the show (and I'm psyched to start getting the manga in May ^^). That was just sweet and lovely. *^^* The last one . . . I could've used some subs. But I enjoyed it anyway. ^_^

anime/manga: fullmetal alchemist, x: sorata/arashi, writing process, anime/manga: tsubasa reservoir chronicle, linkblogging, tv: btvs/ats, fandom

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