
Jun 14, 2008 22:21


This roleplay began as a facetious mockery of the typical Kingdom Hearts high-school!AU, one of the most prolific AUs seen in the fandom. As such, our main objective is, rather than revolving around a riveting plot and aiming for perfect characterization (though certain standards will have to be met), to provide all players and watchers with as much tongue-in-cheek entertainment as possible, along with placing our own crack-tipped unique spin on the standard storyline of a HS!AU.

What you can expect out of this game ranges from the classics of typical relationship drama and ridiculous amounts of hormones, to the gradually unfolding mysteries and secrets of Ultima High, to something completely random involving both a puzzling time-travelling incident and a ferret invasion that may or may not be related. In the beginning, almost everything will be built solidly on commonly-seen stereotypes and roles, but it's entirely possible that the game could eventually churn out full character development and start off on the beaten path towards serious plotty business, despite every effort we may have made towards the contrary.

Nevertheless, in short: We did it for the lulz.

  • SERIES: We will be accepting just about any character taken out of either a Disney production, a Final Fantasy game or spin-off, or of course, any of the Kingdom Hearts games. However, we are currently not accepting any characters from the Square Enix games that have yet to be released; that is, those from Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII or Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep.
  • AU: Keeping in mind that this is an AU roleplay, all characters are expected to have a different background from their canon, adjusted to fit appropriately into modern society. Maintaining established canon relationships in this altered background is up to you (making sure to accommodate the wishes of whoever might be playing the other characters), but it is encouraged that you find a way to develop that relationship in a whole new way in-game.
  • VERSIONS: Only one version of a character will be accepted, on a basis of first-come, first-served. For example, if someone chooses to pick up the FFX version of Tidus, the younger Tidus from KH will also be considered taken, and vice versa.
  • SPECIES: It will be up to the player upon application if they wish to have the character maintain their original non-human form (such as a lion, duck, Bangaa, etc.) or be changed into a human. Talking non-human characters will be thought of as a perfectly normal part of society (along the lines of FFIX and FFXII) and will have accommodations to suit their needs if necessary.
  • AGES: Characters 13 years of age or younger will be aged up accordingly to fit into an appropriate high school grade, at the player's discretion. Characters 18 years of age or older will have the choice of being aged down, applying for a staff position, or becoming a student at Ultima University who will conduct most of their interaction online or through occasional visits to the school.
  • PBs: If you'd like to have your character represented by a PB in their icons, you are free to do so, but actual icons of the characters are recommended. This is just for ease of recognition.
  • OCs: Unfortunately, we are not accepting any applications for original characters. At this time, there are still plenty of canon characters open to choose from.
  • LIMIT: Currently, there is a maximum limit of (5) characters, with no more than (2) KH characters, and only one of them a 'main' KH character. The line between main and supporting can blur heavily depending on the characters themselves, so if you're unsure, it would be best to discuss the matter with a mod and receive the go-ahead before applying for your second KH character.

Character interaction will take place in several different ways, all dependent on what the player's preferred method is.
  • LJ - COMMUNITY: Online journal entries written by the characters, with interaction taking place through comments. All character entries should be posted into ultimahigh, tagged appropriately with both the character and username. (e.g. disney: aladdin, user: aladdin123). It is a school requirement to use this community, in order to establish closer relationships between students and staff alike.
  • LJ - PERSONAL: Online journal entries written by the characters in their personal livejournals, again with interaction taking place through comments. Standard friending procedures apply here; for example, if Axel decides to add Naminé, Naminé may only decide to add back Axel if they have met and established a casual friendship in real life. Comments on personal LJs may be ignored, deleted, frozen, or linked to -- it works just as if the characters were actually using livejournal. This differs from community interaction in that it is not required, and can consist of more 'private' thoughts that may be locked and filtered. (Please leave all entries public so that they are viewable by interested readers, however.)
  • LJ - MOBILE: It is optional but highly recommended for you to create a "mobile" post on your character's journal for texts, voicemail, and phone conversations. This should either be linked to in the userinfo, or backdated as a sticky at the top of the recent entries. You can choose to add a picture of your character's cell phone and their number (without the area code) in the format XXX-XXXX.
  • LOGS: Person-to-person interaction between the characters, conducted through any method the players find most convenient. This includes threads in the log community, over an instant messenger, through e-mail, Google Documents, and various others. There is no set format that must be followed; the player may feel free to write in script, prose, or a mixture of both. All logs should be posted to ultimalogs, complete with the header outlined in the profile and tagged with the type of log and the character (e.g. !log: general, !log: group, character: riku).
  • AIM: Online instant messaging sessions between characters, or script-style roleplaying within the IC chatroom. It is up to the players if they wish to keep a record of the IM logs on ultimalogs, again following the tagging guidelines.
Despite the laidback and lighthearted nature of the roleplay, there is a set of general rules about the game we highly suggest following closely.
  • ACTIVITY: While we are not as strict on the number of entries and logs per week you must post in comparison to many other games, please try to hold some sort of presence here, especially if you're playing a character who requires frequent interaction with several others. If you haven't contacted us with a reason why you might be inactive within two weeks of disappearing off the face of the interwebs, we will take that as a drop.
  • GRAMMAR: Not everyone is perfect. We get this. However, knowledge and application of basic English spelling and grammar rules is highly encouraged, and your ability to stay in the game may be affected if we find you don't seem to be putting much effort into proofreading your writing.
  • GODMODING: Go ahead, try it. We will not be held responsible for any hilarity-related trauma you may experience afterwards.
  • OOC ≠ IC: For crying out loud, please remember this. It's elementary, but always seems to get broken wherever you look.
  • TOLERANCE: It is entirely possible for this RP to eventually have all of male/male, female/female, male/female, polyamorous, and various other types of relationships, and all are allowed. If you cannot handle any of those in large doses, this is most likely not the place for you.
  • ATTITUDE: We're all here to have fun, no matter how ridiculous or shallow that fun may seem sometimes. If you can't help but automatically think we're below you, please do save us all a lot of trouble by either leaving your contempt at the door, or letting said door hit you on the way out. The same goes for general bitching and whining. We're putting this as nicely as possible: We don't care.


☆ What if the character I would like to pick up already has a role as an NPC or in another character's background?
Discussion with either the mods or the players involved is encouraged, in case it's possible to come to an agreement about that particular character. However, with the exception of very specific circumstances, you should always be able to create your own history for the character and shape their life however you'd like.

☆ This school/city rule about __________ doesn't make any sense! / That's not how things are run where I'm from.
Remember that this is, first and foremost, a roleplay focused around character interaction. If a particular school rule or the structure of the city doesn't seem quite right and you aren't able to look past it, contact a mod to discuss the issue.

☆ Are there teams, clubs, student societies, etc. at Ultima High?
Yes. While there are already several established clubs that you can feel free to make up yourself and mention (as long as it's school-appropriate), it's always possible for a student to apply for a new club or society. Ultima has countless resources available and will be able to accommodate for most of them. If you're unsure of whether your idea will be allowed, please don't hesitate to ask.

Questions, comments, concerns? Drop them here. All comments are screened. General questions will be added to the FAQ.

(If you don't have a LJ, or you'd like to contact us anonymously, feel free to toss an e-mail at super.chocobo @!)


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